crashing and show d...
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crashing and show disappears.

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Joined: 5 years ago
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Wow first try back and already problems. I am starting to get a complex.

Just started a show to test things out again.

About 15 images imported, one track of music.

Got to about the third slide and was playing with timings etc.

Programme locked up, "not responding" in task manager. Went to make a coffee, came back, still not responding so closed it down.

Had been working on the show for about 30 minutes or so so should have auto-saved a couple of times at least.

Re opened director, show showing (only one on the list) but showed with no slides and 00:00:00 duration. In other words no show.

Go into file explorer and everything there. Opened the show from the .nps file in explorer. BUT, nothing there just blank

Seems like when it crashed it just killed the whole thing.


Heather Armstrong
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2

Same issues as well as still crashing the Pro Show Producer import.
