I've noticed that as a slide plays, the picture I am using seems to jump from one position to another and any animation starts over from there. I'm not doing anything too fancy with the slide itself as of yet. Just playing with different things with only two slides in my project. Even if I reset any and all animation or adjustments, it does this. I don't know how to fix it
Please get in touch with us through our Contact Us page so that we can look into this issue further.
I also have this jumpy issue when playing slides, but it is smooth when turned into a show??
@ledge1962 - If you haven't already, please get in touch with use through our Contact Us page so that we can look into this issue further.
I'm going to be a little patient and continue to post issues. Hopefully Photopia will work out the bugs. Has the potential to be a robust application once stabilized. I've been with Photodex for almost 10 years and was pleased with development until the company folded. Anyway if Photopia is using some of the same developers I'm going to wait and watch to see if they can take this application to the next level. Has great transitions and style packs. Just need to stablize and ensure ease of use. I'm pretty good figuring out slide show applications without training for last 15 plus years. But some things in Photopia are a little fuzzy and should be basics. Keep working at it.
Joshua, we have not seen you here for while!
Can you please be here more often and give more information than just reference to contact?
We appreciate the patience and the positive disposition as we continue working to fix bugs, address workflow concerns, implement requested features, and generally address customer feedback. While we can cover most topics on the forum, bug reports and things of that nature are better handled through our Contact Us form (eMail), where we can more easily iterate through troubleshooting steps and exchange (potentially private) content.
Thank you for your continued understanding, and please keep sending in that feedback.
The latest release has definitely shown improvement in the jerkiness of the slides during playback. There is still room for improvement, but it looks like they are on the right track to address it.
Good work Programmers.
Is it possible for a list of impending fixes and approximate time lines to be put on the forum? As a lot of the issues are being reported by "contact us", I have no idea of what is being done.
The 2 main areas that are holding me (and others I suspect) back are the jerkiness in the playback (granted this has been improved) and the importing of shows from Proshow. If these are not going to be fixed in the near future, it would be nice to know now.
As I have not been able to import a template without issues, maybe a list of templates that can be imported successfully could help???
It's certainly possible to provide a list of things we're working on and approximate estimates on when those items might be addressed, but it's not a particularly practical option. Lists of this nature tend to be cumbersome to maintain and often become meaninglessly out of date over time. They also take resources away from other areas that more directly affect helping customers and getting issues resolved, areas where we would like to focus our efforts.
Playback performance should be good for most shows at this point, although we're always on the lookout for ways to make it better. If you have a particularly problematic show, feel free to drop us an eMail so that we can look into the issue further.
Accurate importing of shows, templates, effects, and other content from ProShow is something we're currently focusing on. The wide variety of content out there makes this a broad subject area. While I know that we've received content from you in the past that is still being worked on, please let us know if you run into any new import problems that need attention. The nature of customer created content means that providing a list of working templates, shows, effects, etc. could be a bit of a daunting task. Instead, we encourage everyone to Contact Us with any content that does not import into Photopia as expected. Addressing these issues on our end is the best way to make sure they disappear for all customers.
Hi Josh,
I don't disagree with your response, but a simple thread with an update that states "we are currently addressing the stuttering and music library as a priority" could suffice.
Anyway, as I said earlier, there has been good improvement in the Playback, in that there is little skipping, but there is still bad stuttering in places. I have emailed a short clip of this from a show I made using the Dark Dimensional wizard. It shows particularly bad stuttering (but no skipping). The specs of my machine are also included. I did not attach the file here as it was of a Kindergarten kids disco and I would want their permission before uploading to a public forum.
Is there a recommended size limit on the pictures imported in, as most of mine are around 12 to 25mbs each?? Can this be contributing to the cause? I shoot in RAW and do not compress when converting...
I have emailed the show to you. I also tried using smaller photos (5MB instead of 20MB) but no difference.
Did you download the show I emailed you? I have not received a confirmation from the site yet?