How Delete a Show f...
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How Delete a Show from a Project

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Bert Kriebel
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 10
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From the Home tab is a list of my projects which have available options Open, Delete, Copy, Rename, Combine and Revert. Expanding the project displays the shows contained in the project. If I click on one of the shows, the only available options are now Open and Combine, the other options Delete, Copy, Rename and Revert are greyed out. How can I delete a show? If I right click a show there is a Delete option on the drop down menu but it does nothing/not delete. If I open the project, click on the Project tab, select the show I want to delete, click Edit then Delete it does nothing/not delete. If I click on the Show tab, Edit, Delete it does nothing/not delete. How do I delete a show from a project?

Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1222


Deleting a show from a project can be done by opening the project, selecting the show from the "Project" tab, then clicking the 'trash can' icon in the "Shows" list.  It looks like there are a few UI details here that need to be cleaned up and we'll get those added to the list.  If you need any further assistance, please reach out through the Contact Us form on our website.

Bert Kriebel
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 10
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Got it, missed that trash can. Thank you Joshua for getting back to me.


Duane Calvin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 89

Perfect timing - thanks for asking the question, Bert, and thanks for the answer, Joshua.  I couldn't find it either.  I'm dealing with a problem where "remixing" the effects scatters ghost copies of audio tracks from a video, and those can't be removed easily.  Did it so many times, I felt I need to start over from scratch.  Glad the answer is here!


Pearl Beausoleil
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 4

Hi, I would like to "Remove" not "Delete" a show from a Project.  How do I do that and make it a stand alone show?



Duane Calvin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 89

Pearl -if you don’t get an answer quickly you might want to open this question as a new topic. I think it will get more eyes on it that way. 
