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It's been a year now, and Photopia still lacks a decent preference page

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Keith Simonian
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 39
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Sorry to nag about this again, but Proshow Producer had 12 pages of Preference page options. 
Photopia has just one. 
Every time I add a line of text, I have to resize the font to what I want instead of setting a default for the entire show. 
Who picks a font size of 25 for their default? 

Stop trying to add razzle dazzle features, and get the basics done. 
Where is the Documentation for the program? 

Member Admin
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Posts: 1222

We understand your frustration on these issues and acknowledge that we certainly need better documentation, along with a system for handling caption defaults. Interestingly, the caption default system in ProShow was almost entirely automated, rather than being part of their Preference pages. We may yet see a similar system in Photopia, although I can't say for sure exactly what changes to expect.

Robert McMurray
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 320
Posted by: @joshua

We understand your frustration on these issues and acknowledge that we certainly need better documentation, along with a system for handling caption defaults. Interestingly, the caption default system in ProShow was almost entirely automated, rather than being part of their Preference pages. We may yet see a similar system in Photopia, although I can't say for sure exactly what changes to expect.

we certainly need better documentation ???  There is NO Documentation.....

Keith Simonian, Photomill, Modesto Viegas and 2 people reacted
Keith Simonian
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 39
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I can't set a program wide Preference for a new line of text still, but I get a notification just now that there are new slide styles available for download. 
Please fix what's wrong before adding new features. I realize the developers had to create every feature Proshow Producer had from scratch, but after a year it seems like a working and useful preference page is just being blown off. 

Please don't tell me it's being added to the "to do" list, tell me when it will be done. 

Member Admin
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Posts: 1222


We understand your frustration. There are always more details to address than hours in the day, but I can assure you the Preference page issue is being addressed.  It should also be noted that the addition of new effects, slide styles or otherwise, has very little impact on our development schedule as the two sets of tasks are handled by different people.

Eric Morin
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 1

For preferences... one big one would seem to be...   toggle off the confirmation dialog for 'Apply Slide Style'  ...  that would save hundreds of unnecessary clicks!!

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Posts: 1222


I'll make sure that one is on the list.
