I'm Desperate! Pros...
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I'm Desperate! Proshow Producer Registration Code

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Barry Cohen
Joined: 5 years ago
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Like everyone else, with the shutdown of Proshow, I was forced to switch from Proshow Producer to Photopia. It has been a very difficult transition to Photopia for me. It hasn’t been a difficult learning curve, the difficulty has been with the software. I’ve been very disappointed with Photopia. I have so many issues that keep happening over and over again. I’ve contacted support (i.e. Joshua) countless times documenting the issues. In almost all cases, whatever problems I’m having they can’t seem to replicate, so nothing changes. I still have the same issues. I make my living producing videos. I was a heavy Producer user. I used it all day, everyday. The same is true for Photopia.  But because of the constant issues with Photopia, it takes so much longer for me to do a project for customers. It’s killing my business. Yes, Producer had its problems, but it did the job. For some things, what took one mouse click in Producer now takes 3-4 clicks in Photopia. And some of the features in Producer that I used everyday and were huge time-savers are gone in Photopia. I never thought I’d miss Producer but I do.This may be a strange question, but does anyone still have an active registration code for Producer that they’d be willing to share. My registration code is no longer valid (even though I paid!).  Maybe once Photodex shut down, none of the registration codes are valid, but I have to ask the question. I’m serious! I’m desperate!! I want to stay with Producer for as long as I can. Can anyone help?

Robert McMurray
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 320


Below is from the "Photodex Proshow & Photopia Users Support" on Facebook.

New and Current Members, read all instructions for solutions to the key activation, "use illegally", and publishing issues.

Photodex has changed their servers on May 31, 2020. This has affected some functionalities and features in ProShow. If you are having issues with the program, follow these instructions:

Try entering in your Registration Key first under the Help tab. If the "use illegally" persists, then uninstall ProShow, turn your computer completely off then on, reinstall ProShow, then re-enter your Registration Key and this should force the program to check back with the activation server and remove the evaluation banner.

**Important: make sure to save all of your shows and their files, add-ons such as effects/styles/transitions packages, free extra downloads, self-made styles, to a different folder or external drive. An uninstall will delete them all from the C drive.**

Publishing: under the Publish tab, (1) Select "For Computers" (do NOT select the "Video For Web, Devices and Computers" or "Publish Show". It may not work), (2) Select "Custom Video File", (3) In Type, select "HD" or "PC". Again, do NOT select "Video For Web..." because this will link to Photodex's servers, which is being transitioned and is the reason for the notices on the screen. Publishing directly to YouTube or other sites is not functional now for most users, so publish your shows to your computer or external drive, then upload them to YouTube, etc...

Registration ID retrieval: go into the Windows registry by navigating the following path (right click on windows, run, then type regedit) - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Photodex\ProShow\license\install\25

The Music Library is no longer accessible, although it is still available for some users but not most.

Hope this helps,


Barry Cohen
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Hi Bob. Thanks soooo much for replying to my post. I appreciate your response. I'll try your suggestions a little later today. I'm in the middle of processing some files in Photopia and I don't want to touch anything!! Question...I'm a little brain-dead from a lack of sleep trying to get this to work, but if I need to re-install Producer after uninstalling, where do I get the download link from if the servers have changed?

Robert McMurray
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 320

Barry Cohen
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I'm running producer v 9.0.3797. I assume I should use the Proshow Producer pspro 90 3797 link?

Barry Cohen
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Holy crap, Bob!!! I think you did it! I'm in Producer with no evaluation banner. I'm going to play around with it and check things out. I can't thank you enough, Bob. Seriously!! Maybe I'm getting too excited, but you may have saved me more sleepless nights. Trying to work with Photopia for the last few months has been excruciating. What's your deal? Are you an ex-Photodex guy? Or just a Photodex genius...or both??! Either way...thanks again!

Robert McMurray
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 320


Glad you were able to work it out. 


Barry Cohen
Joined: 5 years ago
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Hi Bob. Thanks to you, I've been using Produce for several weeks. It's been fantastic!! I never thought I'd miss Producer this much. But I did! Thanks again for your help getting me back up and running. You saved my butt...and probably my business. That's no exaggeration!  So...is there still an active Producer forum? If yes, I'd like to check it out. Thanks again!

Robert McMurray
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 320


Hi Barry, 

I think the Forum you used to retrieve your program file from is still up and running,


and there is also another group on Facebook "Photodex ProShow & Photopia Users Support".


Barry Cohen
Joined: 5 years ago
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Got it. Thanks again!
