since the beginning of the Photopia I have this strange behaviour in the FONT SELECTION.
To reproduce :
1. Open a new show
2. Insert a blank slide (does not matter if black, white, image, or so)
3. Clic on the T icon, to add a caption layer
4. You should have a new window asking you to enter the text, and select B (cold), I (italic), and the FONT TYPE, and of course a zone to enter your TEXT.
5. The ARIAL font is showing in the little "FONT TYPE" window
6. When you clic on the UP/DOWN arrows to SELECT another font, a font list appears (this is OK)
7. Then I get very strange behaviour.
When I try to scroll down (mouse wheel, or touchpad on my laptop) the list is becoming crazy. The font list is no more under control.
Sometimes I cannot go further down or up and get stuck in the 18 fonts that are shown in the list.
Sometimes the list is moving to the left (after passing LUCIDA CONSOLE)
When my mouse pointer is JUST below the little ARIAL window, the list is becoming crazy, flickering... (same when the mouse pointer is approaching the bottom of the font list).
When trying to catch the SCROLL HANDLE (on the right of the font list), I can move up and down, but when I release the SCROLL HANDLE, and want to clic on the font I wish to use, then the FONT LIST disappears, and I can only see some font choosen by Photopia.
When I try to use the keyboard arrows (up and down), the font list becomes empty, the more I go up or down.
Sometimes I manage to select the font I wish to use.
Addemdum :
I have this strange behaviour on my 2 computers (1 LAPTOP, 1 DESKTOP with 4K display).
Both Windows 10 Family edition, version 1909, 18363.778. ... but this behaviour was since 5 months, and Photopia as well as Windows have also changed versions in between.
I have NO font selection problem in any other software (Photoshop, Word, and so on). Only in Photopia.
Prowhow is working well either (caption or text layer, in the text settings panel).
Please help !
Serge from France
Hello Serge,
I agree with you. I have such different problems with the fonts.
Best regards Dieter
That's a well done bug report, great details. This is an issue we've seen before, although in most cases using the scrollbar at the right side of the font list corrects the behavior, at least temporarily. I'll make sure these details are represented in the information we have logged. That should help us get to a more robust solution once this issue is addressed. Thank you.
I am in agreement with both the above posts.
To be honest, the use of the scroll-wheel , drag bar etc. are a bit of hit and miss.
Selecting a new font should not be this difficult -almost impossible.
I gave Photopia plus points for having gotten Japanese fonts to work in Director. (It was impossible in Proshow)
But those plus points have been spoilt by the total weird behaviour when trying to choose a font.
my photopia app was some problem
image below under caption coming, what is the solution
That font list should behave much better in the next update. We're still ironing out a few glitches with placement / flickering, but the navigation problems have been addressed.
Please reach out through our Contact Us form, so that we can more thoroughly look into the issue(s) you're seeing.