Photopia Creator is not allowing me to publish to either Youtube or Vimeo (I have accounts on both). I am using Chrome as my browser. Any help is appreciated.
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I am also having trouble with this, I have tried google and IE.
We're aware of a problem that is preventing direct uploads to Vimeo. As I understand that particular issue, it has to do with something on their end, so we don't have direct control over when this problem will be resolved.
YouTube uploads are a different story. This seems to be working on our end. When you get a chance, please reach out through our Contact Us form so that we can work with you to figure out what might be going on.
In the meantime, you should be able to go through "Publish" > "Video File" > "MPEG-4" to get a video saved to your hard drive that will work for both YouTube and Vimeo uploads (through your browser). I recommend using the 1080p (Full HD) preset, with the default values.