I just paid the monthly payment, and would like to start working.
I just do not understand how to registare, as the key i received to my mail, is not working.
its letters and numbers, but the request to add 12-13 numbers..
thank you so much
Maybe your numbers and letters might be the receipt and not the license key. It might be in a separate email or check your spam.
Thank you Michael.
I manage it.. But, I must say that after using Proshow so many years, this program is realy basic with no option to adit photo or the music..
I'm so lost.
Is there any exlplanation how to use it correctly?
Thanks in advance..
for some reson, my photopia director, lookd deferent that they shows at the help videos..
Im just lost, and need it for tomrrow...
I'm new too, and I cant find how to post a question on this community board... how did you manage it?
@michael-pacitti Thank you dearest. I managed.. as i say, lots of Teeth grinding LOL..
one more thing that i can't find, is how to change my profile picture.. with that i'll love to get help..
Thank you so very much 🙂
I'm so frustrated! After having Proshow Producer for almost 10 years and not being able to use it now sucks. I sign up for Photopia and haven't been able to use it since signing up. The program crash ever single time I try to play the video it says "creator exe. has stopped working. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to correct this problem, please. Thank you,
ps/sorry if this is not the appropriate place
I see that you've reached out through the Contact Us form on our website about this issue. We've sent a couple of replies by eMail but haven't received a follow up response. If you did not see those replies, please check the spam / trash folders in your eMail client then reply to one of those messages when you get a chance.
@moonphina hello - Sorry that you are having issues. One thing that I did learn recently is that if you have a file that is holding images or videos that you want to bring into an existing or newly created Photopia show, the system will crash the second you want to get into the file. This I noticed with several images that are not compatible with the program. I did source them out and created a new file and it works fine. So, make sure your files in the folder are clear to bring into Photopia. I have not had an issue yet as I produce about four shows a month on Creator.
I will definitely try this with my fingers crossed. Thank you Michael,