Creator Crashed and...
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Creator Crashed and now I cannot find my project.

5 Posts
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Jennifer Arnold
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 2
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Could it be deleted and lost for good?!  I spent SO much time on it and now I cannot find it. 

Dean Athans
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 271

Jennifer -

Go to "Edit" and then "Preferences" and then "Project Files" to find the options for automatic backup. (You might need to start a show first to get you to that Edit option.) Here you'll find the folder location where the automatic backups are stored (if you opted for Auto save).

     - Dean A.

PS: Note that you can change that folder location to whatever you want.

     - D.



Jennifer Arnold
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 2
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@deanathans Preferences does not come up as a choice under my Edit tab.  I cannot find that screen that you posted the picture of.

Michael Pacitti
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 27

Make sure that when you are saving you shows (projects), that they are safe in a folder on either you hard drive or external drive. Like Photodex Producer, all the files should be together like audio, video etc. If you move your files from your hard drive or main drive (C), you much keep track of them as they will no necessarily load up when you start the program. Photopia needs to know where it was last saved.


Brandi Richards
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 1

@deanathans I am sure this is a dead end BUT mine is doing the same thing but I did find the file. How do I now re-save it to photopia again? Nothing happens when I select ok or apply. 
