I'm a new user of Photopia Creator, and have published a couple of shows on YouTube. I am interested is seeing shows by other users of Creator, and am wondering if it would be possible to post a link on this Community. So I will try to paste a link here right now!
Alright, it worked. This is a 5 minutes travelogue video, using several transitions purchased from Choice Slides, the owner of which has been extremely helpful getting me started. I was using ProShow Gold that went out of business in January, and the jump to Photopia Creator was a big one for me!
If you can view this video, I would like feedback - positive or negative! And if any of you have links to your videos, could you post the links here? Perhaps we could learn from each other!
Barbara Werren
LINK TO OAXACA'S BEAUTIFUL COAST: https://studio.youtube.com/video/Dx3dfQ0L_zs/edit/basic
Sorry I can't get the link to work.
I don't know why it didn't work! I just clicked on it and it shows a small window with a play arrow, and I clicked the arrow and it started. But the window is really small, maybe you didn't notice it!
Here's a link to another:
LINK TO PLITVICE CROATIA: https://studio.youtube.com/video/UJf_jYGazn4/edit/basic
How about a link to your shows?
Barbara Werren
@werrenskis8 I've tried three different ways to see it now and each time I just get a page with a little dog and it says oops something went wrong.
It won’t allow access unless you have a YouTube account.
I have a YouTube account.
@werremskis8 have you checked the privacy settings to make sure it will play for others?