Can we not use mp4 video in our shows? I can't drop one into my slide and they don't even show up when I go into the folder through the browser inside Creator.
I closed the program then when I opened it this morning I could see and import the mp4.
Just put mp4 vidos into a creator show by drag and drop.
Have already created several shows with mp4 videos.
It works well for me
the drag and drop didn't work for me, wish it did, that's how I like to work
Peter thank you so much. This was such a big help for me.
At the moment Photopia have not yet added the "Custom Video File" publishing possibility that was available in Proshow.
I hear that it is high on the list of things to be added, however, there are other more important fixes and additions that have priority.
The main difference between "Custom Video File" and the MP4 one , shown by Peter, is the ability of set custom bit rates.
This is essential when working with files for Vimeo and so on.
Just to follow up on this thread, we do indeed intend to add a 'custom video file' publishing option. I don't really have anything more to add on that subject, just confirming that this request is on our radar.