Move Slide position...
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Move Slide position on timeline?

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Steve Howard
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 3
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I have a very short sound effect that I want to apply.  The location on the slide is a little after the slide is displayed.  Is there a way to adjust the slide sound on the timeline (within the slide time) so the EFX is heard at the proper time?

Dean Athans
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 271

Steve -

There are a number of ways to do this:

In the Timeline view, have you tried "grabbing" that sound and sliding it left-right? To the left would start it playing earlier, and vice versa.

Highlighting the sound calls up the soundtrack editing panel where you can type in a different offset value from the previous slide (even a negative value).

You can move that sound to start toward the end of the previous slide.

If you can use a sound editor like Audacity, you can append a short silent stretch in front of your sound, which can afford you a little more lead-in time to play with.

     - Dean A.



Steve Howard
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 3
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Hi Dean - Thanks for the tips.  I did discover the solution.  I needed to hold Ctrl when trying to move the effect.  Oddly enough when I was working on it, it seems to be intermittent but this seems to work.   Felt pretty dumb after posting and later discovering all I needed was to hold the Ctrl key while moving.  Live and Learn.  Thanks!
