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Latest UPDATE - Creator not working - hangs up on new project build

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How do I roll back the UPDATE?   Updated loaded 6-15-20 and now I am unable to create a new show.  All worked fine today before the update installed.  I am sure I would like the update but I can't load a new project successfully. I can get to the main screen after selecting Customize but then it always locks up.  Can't save, can't play just hung up.  I have started the new project from scratch 3 times now, always the same result, hangs up.

Michele Santos
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Posts: 4

I am having the same issues with my computer freezing- even after adding extra RAM and then moving to a new computer.   Please help, I have 43 eighth graders expecting a graduation video in two days.  I need to finish editing!  

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Michele Santos   I am trying to uninstall and install the file I originally used which was in my download folder.

Susan Greminger
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I am also in the midst of a project with a due date. After installing the update I have multiple crashes. Program is virtually unusable in its current state. Took hours just to do a few simple slides as had to restart so often. I too would like to uninstall the update so I can finish my project. I already am working on a machine with extra RAM so that is not the issue. Has anyone had success reinstalling?

Susan Greminger
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I wanted to add that I am using Director so it seems to be an issue in both products.

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For Michele Santos and DEADLINE - New Install from 6/7/20 .exe file, looked to somehow install the updated program, don't know how.  I am able to use the program very basically.  I had 197 slides with a few videos.  I picked a blank show and added no more than 32 at a time using add pictures/video.  I still had to add a few that did not get put on timeline and had to  add in again.  Anyway, I do have the 197 on the timeline, fixing the random mixed up ordering, it does play and save.  I still have to manually place slide style choices for all 197!!!  I could not get the wizard process to work after 6 tries.

Michele Santos
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Posts: 4

Dear Susan and Mark, I feel like this is our Photopia support group.  I totally know how frustrated you are feeling.  Glad to know I am not alone.  Thank you for suggestion to reinstall the old version.  I am going to try that now.

Susan Greminger
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Let me know how this goes, I have a 250 + slide show and the thought of recreating it 32 slides at a time with all it effects and slide styles seems unreal. Let me know how this goes for you. Found my original executable file. Some upgrades that have helped will not be on that but I think I has to be better than what I have now. I downloaded on 5/20.

Michele Santos
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Hi, I uninstalled and then reinstalled with the original download, but in the middle of the upload, it said "free upgrade" so I'm not sure what actually loaded.  Anyway, it didn't work. same freezing issue. Although my photos downloaded after searching for the right file location. (I didn't have to do it one at a time, just double click in the folder, it should all match up.  but some photos were reversed, so double check.  After THAT, a couple edit clicks in,  the whole thing froze. 

Why havent we heard from Photopia?


Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1222

I'm sorry to hear that the latest update is causing some problems.  We want to get these issues resolved as quickly as possible AND get everyone who is affected back up and running ASAP.  Let's tackle that in two steps.

First, if you're running into something that appears to be new to the latest release please make sure to reach out through the Contact Us form on our website, as several of you have already done.  Let us know what issue(s) you're running into and that will help us make sure that we're looking into the specific problem(s) you're seeing.

Second, let's get you back to the prior public release to see if that clears things up in the short term.  Make sure the Photopia program is closed then open up the installation folder.  Locate and double-click on the "PhotopiaUpdater.exe" file.  Click the "Revert" button in the window that pops-up then select the previous public release from the list of available builds (1.0.467).  Click the "Install" button and that should get you back to the prior release.

If you've sent in a request through that Contact Us form, please follow up with us by eMail so we can troubleshoot these issues as quickly as possible and get to the bottom of what's going on.

Thank you.

Robert Murray
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Posts: 2

I too have had this problem since the recent update ı.e. program freezing and having to constantly shut down. After reading this and reverting back to the previous update ( Ver 1.0.467 ) The problem is now gone. Hope you can fix this bug soon. Many thanks for your help. 

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I am not on 1.0.467 build, I am on 1.0.485.  I did get my 1.0.485 Creator Show to work with the 197 files using blank show and carefully making sure that my content selected loaded.  Regardless of my naming convention, I had groups of pictures/video to move around to get the show back in order.  Loading smaller numbers of pictures/video at a time did work.    I did have trouble getting all the files to load in the show as I mentioned but I did not put in the whole folder.  

I did have a few videos and I say that because I did another show with 80 pictures, no video, it worked like you would expect it to work and I used the wizard.  I am now trying anther with small show (103 pictures) with no video also this morning.  So far everything loaded as you would expect, I used the customize option also, no hang up and the show plays.  I expect this show will work fine.

Robert McMurray
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Posted by: @joshua

I'm sorry to hear that the latest update is causing some problems.  We want to get these issues resolved as quickly as possible AND get everyone who is affected back up and running ASAP.  Let's tackle that in two steps.

First, if you're running into something that appears to be new to the latest release please make sure to reach out through the Contact Us form on our website, as several of you have already done.  Let us know what issue(s) you're running into and that will help us make sure that we're looking into the specific problem(s) you're seeing.

Second, let's get you back to the prior public release to see if that clears things up in the short term.  Make sure the Photopia program is closed then open up the installation folder.  Locate and double-click on the "PhotopiaUpdater.exe" file.  Click the "Revert" button in the window that pops-up then select the previous public release from the list of available builds (1.0.467).  Click the "Install" button and that should get you back to the prior release.

If you've sent in a request through that Contact Us form, please follow up with us by eMail so we can troubleshoot these issues as quickly as possible and get to the bottom of what's going on.

Thank you.

@joshua good to know, thanks.


Robert McMurray
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 320


Oh Boy, I see confusion on the horizon. 🤣 🤣 

Welcome to the forum,


Trudy Tastet
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4

I just purchased the Creator version, and the program shuts down continually whenever saving occurs, either manually or auto-save. I am a 15 year plus ProShow user, and the file I am using has over 400 slides and worked seamlessly in ProShow. Has anyone worked a large file in Creator? In it's current state, it is totally useless to me

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