@vidqueen @robert-mcmurray Thank you very much for your help. I understand what I do wrong. I add photos , not dropp.
I have now dropped and i get highlighted blue box around a photo layer. I must train this more today. See what one word can do for an icke english speaking.
Now you have solved this for me.Thanks a lot. Mirja
You helped me a lot ,too.Thanks to you Jennifer wrote here Those your screenshots was very good help. I know difference between add and drop. Here my brain got blackout. My brain can get blackout in swedish too.
All programs and even camera are on english. I will tell you when i got my photoshop, Proshow and video with Corey Baker, He speak really fast, It took half a year to understand him and now I never even think he speaks english. It is training. But of course as in swedish so also in english i can misunderstand .It is human.
Heartfelt thanks for caring that people find solution for their problems, even if solution is write to Joshua. And get an answer for a problem means very much !!!!! Mirja