COVID-19 Update fro...
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[Closed] COVID-19 Update from Photopia

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Bart Wakkee
Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 91
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While we have some company-specific updates for everyone, the most important thing we want to say is, stay safe out there.  We understand that the response to COVID-19 is affecting life around the world and we want to encourage everyone to heed the advice of local healthcare professionals and institutions.  
Photopia is well positioned to make it through this pandemicDon’t worry, we’re not going anywhere.  Our staff has already been instructed to work from home until things get back to normal and they’re doing a great job.  Developers continue working with our QA team and Support staff to address the feedback that gets sent in each day.  We’re making significant progress on important new features including a royalty-free Music Library (which should be available soon) and the Mac implementation of Creator / Director.  We know that many of you are ready for that Mac version of the program to be released and so are we.  Suffice it to say that this is one of our top priorities. 
Please continue to reach out through the Contact Us form on our website if you run into any trouble, need some advice, or just have an interesting feature request that you think others might also want to see added to the program. 
We’re here for you if you need us. 
