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Multiple Issues!

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Judson Rhodes
Joined: 5 years ago
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This post is the result of just having lost a show I've been working on for about three days! Photopia, if it wants to attract former Producer users, needs to have BOTH Project and Show options. Somehow I managed to overwrite an older show with my new show's name and now I have two shows that are exactly the same but have different names and they are both listed under an unnamed "project". I would like to see  individual shows identified and not have everything lumped into a "project". The program needs to have an "Open last Show" option. And, why do I get black windows for Projects instead of a thumbnail of a slide therein?

I have also found that when I launch Photopia it opens as a minimized window even though I have indicated for it to open  maximized in the Properties dialog on my desktop.

I considered myself a power user of ProShow with over 50 completed shows, but I am beginning to become quite disillusioned with this project. I was going to mention it in a talk to my 300+ member Camera Club but now I'm not so sure I can recommend it.

Robert McMurray
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 320


Check out Jennifer's tutorials, one of them explains how to add the thumbnail.  


Judson Rhodes
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Thanks for the feedback. One issue solved. The program is still doing strange things, though. Sometimes it seems to automatically adjust the size of an image, and sometimes the image size goes to exactly zero. I also am used to directly keying in coordinates and zoom ratios; sometimes I can, sometimes not. How does it work that I can always key in numbers rather than use the sliders?

Judson Rhodes
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With 17 days left on my trial period the program finally opened full-screen! Let's hope that continues...

Judson Rhodes
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Oh, well. Closed Photopia then it re-opened minimized. Also, asked it to open the most recent project and it did not.

Is this program ready for prime time?

Judson Rhodes
Joined: 5 years ago
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I have three images in one frame that are supposed to move in sequence. I have applied a fade-in effect to all three but it is functioning on only two of them. Further, I cannot delete nor change the fade-in effect on the one that's not functioning. What's going on? Do I have to delete the entire layer and start over?

Robert McMurray
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 320

Use the Support tab - Contact Us and let them know what’s going on. Quickest way to get answers. 


Joshua reacted
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 88


Put your 3 images in a GROUP and fade the GROUP as you want.
That will make sure that all images fade together.



Dieter Keifert
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 89

Hello Judson,

hello Forum,

I also am used to directly keying in coordinates and zoom ratios; sometimes I can, sometimes not. How does it work that I can always key in numbers rather than use the sliders?

I saw that too. sometimes I can with the slider, sometimes I can with numbers, sometimes going both.  I have already reported it to Photopia.

Best regards   Dieter


Judson Rhodes
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Many thanks to all that have replied. Clearly this program is still in its infancy and there are many glitches that still need to be resolved. I have no doubts that it will become a top-level slideshow program, given time. I have taken the advice of Mr. McMurray and contacted Photopia directly but will continue to keep an eye on this forum. Also, for Douglas, I have a total of five images in one "slide" that need to move independently, so grouping them is not an option. With regard to the troubled one, I simply deleted that image, re-applied it with its desired effect and now all it well with that.

Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 88
Posted by: @judson

........... Also, for Douglas, I have a total of five images in one "slide" that need to move independently, so grouping them is not an option. .............

Hello Judson,
The five slides can all move independently within a Group. Then you can control the fade in/fade out for the whole group without having to set it for each slide. That is assuming you want all slides to fade out in synch with each other. If you want the fade out to be at a different time for each slide, then the GROUP is not necessary.




Member Admin
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Thank you for reaching out through our Contact Us form.  We're looking at your most recent reply and should have something for you soon.  If you run into any other issues in the future, please feel free to reach out through that form straight away.  It's the best way to get a bug reported to the people who can get things resolved.

Dennis Burchett
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 2

Program sure needs some work.  Spent 5 hours on a 10 minute show and still not done....I also have some 15 show completed under Photodex.  Program froze 4 time....program decided, on its own, to sync the auto, which I did not want so that is task for today..  Some of the transitions are occassionally jerky...balh, blah.    I signed up, but not real happy yet....not sure it is ready for prime time.

Judson Rhodes
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So sorry you are also having issues. I know how you feel. If you really need to complete a project in a timely manner and without frustration I think the best course of action is to keep using ProShow for the foreseeable future as it will (presumably) continue to work despite the company closing down. We'll see. From time to time go into Photopia and see if you can replicate what you are doing in ProShow. Learning the nuances of a new program will take time, and the operations we have been doing with ProShow are somewhat different with Photopia. I wish Photodex had just sold the code....


Member Admin
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Posts: 1222


When you have a chance, please reach out through our Contact Us form so we can work with you to better understand these issues, and hopefully figure out what's causing them so they can be resolved.  Thank you.
