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Importing finished show from Proshow Producer not correct

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Jerry Levin
Joined: 5 years ago
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I just created a working, finished show in PSP that is exactly what I need, works perfectly, timing everything.

But after importing this into Photopia, there are a lot of little things (and some big) that are messed up.  So many that it would be hard to enumerate.
I imported this as I need to output this in 4K, and my version of PSP (8.00) isn't the most recent and doesn't offer this option.  And because they're now "closed" I can't upgrade to 9x version.

Things that are wrong
Transitions a lot of them don't work correctly, and "blank out" instead of being smooth.  Lots of flicker on some of my slides, visually very very wrong.  Flicker that's not present in the PSP version.

My music soundtracks are just... weird in their timing.  For the last song in the project, the audio waveform shows that it visually starts at the correct time,  but when the sound actually starts, it's about 10 seconds later than the waveform.

The project file is large, so I don't know how to work with you to get this right, as you would need copies of both the PSP and Photopia projects (I'm guessing).

Hoping you can guide me on how to get this working ASAP.  Please let me know what you need from me to get the info to you.

Thank you.


This topic was modified 5 years ago by Jerry Levin

Robert McMurray
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 320
Posted by: @jerryandloisphoto

I just created a working, finished show in PSP that is exactly what I need, works perfectly, timing everything.

But after importing this into Photopia, there are a lot of little things (and some big) that are messed up.  So many that it would be hard to enumerate.
I imported this as I need to output this in 4K, and my version of PSP (8.00) isn't the most recent and doesn't offer this option.  And because they're now "closed" I can't upgrade to 9x version.

Things that are wrong
Transitions a lot of them don't work correctly, and "blank out" instead of being smooth.  Lots of flicker on some of my slides, visually very very wrong.  Flicker that's not present in the PSP version.

My music soundtracks are just... weird in their timing.  For the last song in the project, the audio waveform shows that it visually starts at the correct time,  but when the sound actually starts, it's about 10 seconds later than the waveform.

The project file is large, so I don't know how to work with you to get this right, as you would need copies of both the PSP and Photopia projects (I'm guessing).

Hoping you can guide me on how to get this working ASAP.  Please let me know what you need from me to get the info to you.

Thank you.


Jerry, the ability to import Producer shows was what was supposed to make Photopia the "Goto Program" but they have fallen well below the mark. Since it's release there have been many complaints about importing PSP shows. Granted they have improved, but there are still many problems.


Jerry Levin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 5
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Thanks for the reply, Bob.  Disappointing, and terribly frustrating.

Would welcome a quick response from the Photopia team...

Valorie Vincent
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1

I too have several Pro Show Producers projects completely done, but importing to Photopia is awful.  Any solutions available???

John Harper
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 9

Hi all trying to import Proshow projects into Photopia,

I made the decision from the start not to import Proshow projects into Photopia as I still run Proshow Producer which publishes the shows exactly the same as Photopia.

Robert Hartley
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 3

I am checking out Photopia Creator on  my old PC before transiting to the upcoming mac version.

I have imported a psh show and no backgrounds were imported eg curtains, abstracts etc.  Are backgrounds available??.


Member Admin
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Posts: 1222


Please reach out through our Contact Us form.  I know that the forum is a convenient way to share ideas and talk about what Creator / Director are doing (or not doing) but the best way to help us resolve an issue you've run into is to reach out through that form.  This allows us to better track the problem, request content, and get the ball rolling on a solution.  I know that you've reached out through that form before, but I don't see anything from you in our ticketing system about these issues (transitions blanking out / incorrect audio in preview playback).  Thank you.

Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1222


When you say that 'no backgrounds were imported', do you mean that there were missing files in the imported show?  If so, please reach out through our Contact Us form so that we can trouble shoot this issue and see what's going on.

Robert Hartley
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 3


Thank you for the quick response. Responded by Contact Us

Joshua reacted