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Emily Brush
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4
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Last week I tried to email Photopia through the website, but I never heard anything back. I’m having a lot of trouble with the menu. I customized my own menu, but I can’t seem to be able to get it on the DVD. The DVD just has a template with a picture of my first slide. I also can’t seem to load in my menu as my version 2.0.917 does not have the load button. What am I doing wrong? I would really appreciate an answer as I am making a movie I need for this weekend. In addition, in the past I have used Proshow Producer which when you import pictures into the program it just is the pointer to the file instead of the actual file. I like this because when you make changes to a file, it automatically updated the picture or video or whatever I changed. But I have noticed in Photopia Director, when I change a file, and then go back in Photopia, the file does not update. Is there a way I could get it to update automatically like in Proshow Producer? Thank you. Anyone who could help would be greatly appreciated. 

Dieter Keifert
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 89

Hello Emily,
I can't tell you anything about the menu, but about editing images in Creator/Director.
You must first install the editor for your images in "Edit-Preferences-External Editor" like in ProShow. Then activate your image in the timeline and under Layers. Now go to Layer Settings to the thumbnail next to it is a small folder with an arrow. Click on it and your picture will be opened in the editing program. After editing the image safe and then the edited image will appear in the timeline.
I hope it helps.
I'm currently having problems with answers from Joshua.
Best regards, Dieter

This post was modified 2 years ago by Dieter

Emily Brush
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4
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@dieter Hi, I'm sorry for the late reply. I just wanted to say that I appreciate you taking the time to write to me. It was very nice of you to help me understand the program. Have a blessed day and thanks again for your help. 
