My slideshows created with Photopia Creator always look over-saturated, despite the fact that my entire computer setup is calibrated and equipped with proper colour profiles.
I made a little research and found that Creator did not seem to use colour profiles correctly. Two copies of a JPG picture exported from Lightroom in sRGB and Adobe RGB looked the same in my colour-aware image viewer (and the colours also matched what I saw in Lightroom). However, when I had imported both to Creator, Adobe RGB picture retained normal colour, and sRGB one got noticeably over-saturated.
This leads me to understanding that Creator does not respect system and equipment colour profiles, and it's quite a flaw which I hope to get fixed soonest.
Joshua, is it really so? Thank you.
Thank you for reporting this issue. We're seeing similar behavior on our end. I'll make sure this gets over to our QA team for a closer look.