Thanks for the responses. I am in my trial of Director right now. I won't go with Director but I'm hoping it will keep me familiar with Photopia so I won't go too far backwards in my learning process.
@vidqueen are there anymore Vimeo tuts in the Creator series in the works?
Thanks again all! I will keep checking back.
Oh, yes.....I'll be adding to that Series indefinitely, I just didn't create any last week due to Thanksgiving 🙂
I meant to create one today, happened !! By the end of the week, for sure, if not tomorrow!
Just posted a Q&A in my Blog about UnDo, if you're interested:
Hi, I have not had the problem (yet) with styles only templates. Hopefully they will get it squared away soon.
Thanks for your offer but I don’t think it is necessary at this time.
I am in New Jersey on the east coast, I think you are about 5 hours ahead of me. So you will get this after you wake up. 😄 Have a great day.
"You can wait. The program isn't going anywhere and it's just going to keep getting better and better as time goes on."
"If you're just a hobbyist, there's no reason to rush. Keep using ProShow until you decide that you just want to move on to Photopia, for whatever reasons you have.
ProTip: Keep downloading my freebies and watching the tutorials, even if you don't jump into Photopia right now. You'll have collected several effects for when you do jump in and you'll be ahead of the curve having watched all those tutorials!
True. That is also my reckoning. It will get better. I have no doubt.
Also the ProTip is wise.
But... I have this persistent lingering desire to keep experimenting with Photopia Creator whenever I see its icon on my desktop. Trial period is over but that is ok.
I think I will wait for the next update and I will wait for forum feedback. I will be away on vacation soon so there is no need to subscribe this month. I am planning for a year's subscription of creator. I do not mind its glitches but what I do mind is it freezing on me. As I said this started after the last update.
Proshow producer is still beautiful for me but I am excited to believe that Photopia will bring power and a higher level of capabilities.
I am still using Creator well trying to.
I have emailed Joshua again as I am having the same problem trying to get the latest update.
I click on Update and the Creator Program just shuts down.
I had the same problem with the update before this new one came out.
I find it all very discouraging.
@dina Hi.I am sorry if Creators is freezing for you when you takes something from Producer-Do you mean Pro show ?And even when you make show. I bought under week end some style packs for Proshow from Jennifer and i got them to Director without problems. I used other way that on beginning to get just these packs in , nothing more. How did you, perhaps same way?
I have not created really slideshow yet, most playing and looking what happens. You can also write to company and tell about freezing. Is it freezing long time? Very annoying, independent time!
Wi will get soon update when they are ready with it. On the last update they have done a great job.
You are right that we should write more here to each others. Make forumet living as it was some weeks ago. We can write here and to Joshua. And we can
Wish you a nice time Mirja
Hi Mirja. Sorry I missed replying to you.
I bought also styles for proshow recently from Choice Slides. These imported well into Creator with no problems. The slides show I made in Creator after the update was the one that kept freezing. It was just me trying to experiment trying to make a simple slide show. It kept freezing while working on it. This happened after the update. I sent this to Joshua (in my last email to him).
Maybe the next update will solve things and be better. Let me know when the next update comes.
This forum should remain active. I think there will always be people waiting for feedback from others on how things are working out.
Wishing you too, a lovely time Mirja.
I had same problem with last update when I tried update so the program closed and took contact with Joshua and got an answer There were more what i could do.They did not helped.One was uninstall and reinstall. I uninstalled Photopia . Joshua did not say to do this:. cleaned my PC..... even manually took away every folder, it was not many. Reinstalled Photopia again and the problem was solved. I could update.There has been any problems after that
I hope your get help, last update is really good. Best greetings Mirja.
Maybe you are right Mirja. Maybe one should unistall and reistall when things do not work.
Hei Dina
Many times it can work but not always. PC is so complicated and there is other methods to solve problems.
I don't want my registry to be thicker and thicker, even if I can elementary about register and clean it.
That's why I don't take trial programs, which I don't really want.
Wait answer from Joshua. They own this program - we just subscribe -the will fix all problems.Same way as Adobe.
Are your styles still freezing? Very sorry for that! My best greetings Mirja
Thank you Mirja,
I heard from Joshua,and he told me to uninstall and then re install which I did and now I have the latest update.
I just said to him I hope I do not have to do this every time there is an update.
This is very good news. Did you notice the program is more stable. I do not hope we must do this every update. Team will fix even this.and we get a new update, when they are ready with it. It should be funny if only you and me must uninstall and reinstall every update.
Have a great day,Liz and enjoy your program. Mirja
Hi. The trial period for Creator is over so I am not using it now. I had stopped trying to use it even before the trial period was over because of the issue of its crashing and freezing. This was frustrating. I am happy to hear in another post that Creator is getting better (after the new update, I think this is what I understand). Anyway, I am sure it will get even better with time.
I am looking forward to subscribe to Creator in January as I will have more time for it then. Meanwhile, I will stay here and keep following the posts in Photopia forum.
Hi Liz.
Same question as Mirja's. Is the program better and more stable after the update?
Trial perod for Creator and for Director has ended and I wil not use any of the two in the future.
I don't like subscriptions.
I might perhaps come back when they change that policy.
Still have PSG and PSP.