Is anyone still usi...
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Is anyone still using Creator?

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Susan Whicker
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If so can you tell me how things are goung? Have there been any recent updates? Are things more stable now? I can't justify the subscription, since I use it for pleasure not for profit, until I know the product is stable and usable since Producer still works great.

Peter Lang
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 112


no Update, no admin, nothing!!!!

It seems the software is dead like this forum!

I think the will go out of business faster then Photodex!

So sorry!



Robert McMurray and Dina reacted
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Posts: 44

Hello Susan and Peter, 

Thank you Susan for putting this question. I, myself, thought of putting a question asking where everyone went. It was stimulating when everyone was putting their input even if it was about the software issues. However, soon those who complained were asked to direct the discussion to Joshua by email.  I think this was a very bad idea. Joshua should have continued addressing the issues in this forum and updating us about their progress. This brought an end to communications here. I guess each one of us thought that the others are busy communicating with Joshua. 

After the last update, for me, creator kept freezing after importing from producer and even each time after I did simple shows created in the program itself. It was not doing this before. I have not subscribed as I was looking to see if there is any good feedback from the forum.  I am very willing to subscribe but was waiting for news that the program does not freeze anymore. 

I wish that everyone would continue posting their feedback, good or bad. We do not want the program to die. We want to support it particularly that Jennifer is endorsing it. I hope the forum stays active. We all have something in common. We all have used/or are using Producer and looking forward for something potentially better, even if is just for the sake of a hobby like myself.  

Sincere regards,


Robert McMurray
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 320

@dina, @peter-lang, @susanw, @vidqueen

I agree with all of you.  There was an update of the 16th, 20th, and 25th and nothing since. Each update corrected problems we all were having and I can't believe they think everything is now fine. When the forum opened Joshua was a daily contributor, it has been at least a week since we (not the beta folks) have heard from him. Dina, I was one of the people who said to use the support link as this is/was the only way to get a reply. I signed up for a yearly subscription and I'm starting to think I made a mistake. I can just imagine how Jennifer feels, I know she sees something we don't see. I hope she is right.



Dina and Anonymous reacted
Jennifer Clark
Joined: 6 years ago
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I'm about to go all Southern on you 😉

I'm not seeing how updates every two weeks isn't fast enough (the last update was on November 25th, which was 9 days ago including Thanksgiving).  They don't put out public builds that haven't been tested by the Beta Team yet.  That's a good thing.  When the next update is released (which it will be very soon), please note the build number.  Several builds go through the Beta Team first before it goes to the public.  That takes time.

As for this Forum.....I dunno.  It's just not being used by very many people, but that's not an indication of how many people are using Creator it's just an indication of how many people want to post in a Forum.  I'm not on here much either, but I'm in Creator pretty much every day.  I promise it's not dead, quite the opposite 🙂

....and don't worry about me, I'm still excited as ever 🙂


Dina and Anonymous reacted
Susan Whicker
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Jennifer Clark
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You can wait.  The program isn't going anywhere and it's just going to keep getting better and better as time goes on.

The only reason you would need to purchase it right now is

1. If you just wanted to (maybe you wanted to play with some of the new tools or something)

2. If you planned to start using the program exclusively pretty soon, say in the Spring, and you need a few months to learn the program before you create shows for other people. 

If you're just a hobbyist, there's no reason to rush.  Keep using ProShow until you decide that you just want to move on to Photopia, for whatever reasons you have.

ProTip:  Keep downloading my freebies and watching the tutorials, even if you don't jump into Photopia right now.  You'll have collected several effects for when you do jump in and you'll be ahead of the curve having watched all those tutorials!


Dina, SusanW, Robert McMurray and 1 people reacted
Peter Lang
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 112



really hmmm.........

Dina reacted
Robert McMurray
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 320


Hi Jennifer, thanks for chiming in here. I know they will get there eventually but maybe they should have waited a bit to release, heck, they don't even have any written documentation. Much easier to learn something when you can sit down and spend some time reading.

Maybe you can answer a question for me. When I buy a template from you that you wrote for Producer 9, is there a way to import that into Creator without first importing it to Producer. When I try it will always come back with missing files and not see them if I browse for them. If I load it into Producer and then import it brings all the producer stuff with it and I end up with multiple copies of everything.

Trial and ERROR....

Thanks, Bob

Dina reacted
Jennifer Clark
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Posts: 90


I think the missing files issue is known by the Photopia guys and currently being worked on ?!  @Joshua  I know this happened to me once, too....I got a "files missing" message when opening a ProShow Show File and no prompt to locate them, like you do in Producer.  I thought this was fixed in the last build, but maybe not.  That shouldn't happen, and it should be on the list of things to be fixed 🙂


Jennifer Clark
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Things that make you go "hmmmmmmm".......

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@dina Hi.I am sorry if Creators is freezing for you when you takes something from Producer-Do you mean Pro show ?And even when you make show. I bought under week end some style packs for Proshow  from Jennifer and i got them  to Director without problems. I used other way that on beginning to get just these packs in , nothing more. How did you, perhaps same way? 

I have not created really slideshow yet, most playing and looking what happens. You can also write to company and tell about freezing. Is it freezing long time? Very annoying, independent time!

Wi will get soon update when they are ready with it. On the last update they have done a great job.

 You are right that we should write more here to each others. Make forumet living as it was some weeks ago. We can write here and to Joshua. And we can 

Wish you a nice time         Mirja

This post was modified 5 years ago by Anonymous

Dina reacted
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Jennifer i have got only one were was missing files. Borrow angels. I have update too, or i not sure what i took next and  from other hard drive to Proshow and then Photopia. There were everything, not some writing and it is usual missing. Borrow angel I think i can cut it pieces or install here when i use it. It is so beautiful.All all i bought from you under weekend to Proshow , there were no problems get over Photopia. Only those, nothing else.      Mirja

Peter Lang
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 112


The Differenz in using Marketing Tools fromm you and the opposit from Photopia!

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@robert-mcmurray I have found a way to get styles to Photopia without they first go to  Proshow.And I get only that style packs nothing more. I got dubbletts now when i wanted be sure that way works, because i have that style pack already on Photopia. Of course i put them on Proshow too.But sometimes it starts to count styles and transistors and counts very slowly.

If you want i can take screenshots. I do not know if it is morning or night where you are, Robert . Here is soon middle of night.  Greetings Mirja


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