Now that I can publish BluRay discs and view them, I'm in need of a tip (or two!). While viewing the BluRay output, I notice quite a few slides with fine texture (could be tree leaves in the distance, mid-range brick buildings, etc.) that, as the photo zooms or moves, there is a moire effect that shows as a "plaid shimmer," if I can describe it that way. In other words, I see it as vertical and horizontal strips where the brightness varies. Is this a result of the choices I've made for generating the .ISO (i.e., 1080p, etc.), the pixel density of the .JPG used, or something else? Does anyone have tips on how to minimize this? It is not apparent on DVD's played on the same HD TV (46" Samsung LCD), but then the overall clarity of the DVD is significantly lower. Thanks in advance for any help!
Perhaps answering my own question - I'll let others correct me if I'm wrong. I discovered my LR export dialog was set for 2000 pixels on the long side and 200 ppi, neither of which is optimum, and either of which could be contributing to this problem. It will be a while before I can do a test to compare that with exporting full sized JPG's, but I can't help but think this is the cause of what I'm seeing.