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Audio volume reduction during video - how to relevel?

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Duane Calvin
Joined: 5 years ago
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I have another audio question/problem.  If I have a video in my slideshow, and I add an audio soundtrack (almost always music), Photopia creates a decreasing volume until the start of the video and then it comes back up.  Realistically, this doesn't work for either silent videos or ones with their own audio.  I try to correct it, but hovering over the lowered volume point, the "assist" instruction says to drag it as needed, but it will not drag via the mouse (or with CTRL-drag, or ALT-drag.)  I'd like to adjust these volumes to fit my video clips, but can't find a way to do it, and no instructions found anywhere.  Any insight would be greatly appreciated!  (I'm talking about music added to the soundtrack, not audio included on the video.)


Daniela Jordan
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4

Same problem here!  Frustrating!

Daniela Jordan
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4

I figured it out:

Click on show tab at top left
Click on Sound file under "soundtrack" section on left
In Audio Settings tab (on right side) change "Soundtrack During other Sounds" to 100 (it's set at 50)
Change Fade In and Out to zero

Figured it out from this video, about 6.5-7 minutes in:

<a href=" removed link "> removed link





Robert McMurray
Joined: 5 years ago
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Take a look at Jennifer’s tutorial.  


Duane Calvin
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Hi Bob - When I tried adjusting the "black" volume level control points that were automatically placed in the soundtrack when a video was added, they did not respond to any of the commands Jennifer describes in her tutorial.  She doesn't specifically talk about this, and I don't have the program (or my PC) available right now to check out whether some setting in the video "slide" is causing the reduction in volume, but I could find no way to override what was done to the soundtrack volume during an added video.  (Since mine were drone videos, maybe I should find the sound effect of an old reciprocating engine airplane and put that in - ha, ha!)  So, wrapping up, I found the black colored control points did not seem to be adjustable by any method I could find.  I don't know what Daniela has found in her efforts.


Robert McMurray
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 320


Not sure what you are trying to do but the soundtrack defaults to 50% when it encounters a video, this level is adjustable as well as the sound of the video, see attached.

Hope this helps.



Duane Calvin reacted
Duane Calvin
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Thanks for pointing that out, Bob - I had not found that or anything that pointed to it until your note.  I did see the volume points on the soundtrack/timeline and found that they could not be adjusted from there (not sure why not).  Once I have my PC back, which is currently out for repair, I'll go check that out.  Apparently the default values are strange because it starts lowering the soundtrack volume about 10-15 seconds before the video starts, and then within a few seconds the volume starts recovering.  But, since I've never set those, it could be set to anything!  Does Photopia remember your settings and change the default to match, or is it like a so many of the other settings where  you have to override them every time?  Thanks again for your help!


Daniela Jordan
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4

Thanks everyone....I had figured out a way around it and posted it here, but it is still "awaiting moderation". 

Click on show tab at top left
Click on Sound file under "soundtrack" section on left
In Audio Settings tab (on right side) change "Soundtrack During other Sounds" to 100 (it's set at 50)
Change Fade In and Out to zero

Kim Schaedler
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 3

I have made these changes (set sound to 100) and made fade in and out zero and there is still a reduction of the soundtrack during a video. It's so frustrating!

Kim Schaedler
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 3

Correction. Going into show mode and looking at audio settings, I was able to manipulate the default settings back to 100 during a video and it is working! 


Daniela Jordan
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4

Excellent!  I was just going to tell you that the extra step in my instructions above was the "Show" mode 🙂

Member Admin
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It looks like this question of how to set the soundtrack volume during video layers got sorted out.  If anyone should need further assistance, please send in a request through the Contact Us form on our website and we'll be happy to help.

Duane Calvin
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My only suggestion would be for the developers to make the video-related volume points on the soundtrack accessible for click/drag as the other volume points are.  Seems peculiar to have some readily available, but others hidden in menu's.  Just my thought on that.  A consistent interface drives a lot less confusion and questions. 


Member Admin
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I believe there are some technical details that make adjusting those video-related volume points from the Timeline UI less straightforward than it might first appear, but it's certainly something we can look into.  I'll make sure it gets added to the list.

Duane Calvin
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Thanks, Joshua!

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