In Creator when I want to make changes in the Adjustments or Animations tab I frequently have a problem manually entering a value in the settings box. It seems that I am "locked out" and cannot change or manually enter a number. The slider, reset button and + button all work. This applies to all the number boxes. I am still learning Creator and following some of the tutorials on Choice Slides so I a doing basic slide development. I cannot identify under which conditions this problem occurs. What am I missing?
Hello Bert,
that problem I have frequently too. It also shows me all value settings in Adjustment and Animations with "%". There are still many such errors that frequently. The programm simply not yet fully developed and there is still a lot to do. I am very annoyed with ao many little things.
Best regards Dieter
This particular issue has proven to be more elusive than anticipated. It's on our list to track down and we hope to have it resolved ASAP.
In case this might help - I had the same issue today when trying to change the slide time in the Slides view (Slides/Timeline/Keyframes). Saving and reopening the Project it cleared up the problem.
Hello Joshua,
but that can not be the the solution. I have frenquently that problem too. This is very annoying when working.
I see the next update with my many massive problems.
Best regards Dieter
The solution for this issue is to get it reproduced on our end so that our developers can get it resolved. We understand that some people are running into the problem more frequently than others and some never see the it at all, which is part of what we're trying to sort out at the moment.