Photopia Training Center

Tutorials, solutions, and more.

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tutorials Photopia director


home screen

Explains the Photopia Director Home Screen.


user interface

Tutorial that explains the various areas in the Photopia Director User Interface.


media browser

Tutorial Video that explains how to use the Media Browser in Photopia Director.


slide styles

Explains how to use Slide Styles in Photopia Director.


layer list icons

Explains the function of the various icons in the Photopia Director layer list.


layer tab vs content tab

Describes the difference between the layers tab and the content tab in Photopia Director.



Explains how to use keyframes in Photopia Director.



Explains how to create animations using Slices in Photopia Director.


Adjustments vs animations

Explains the difference between the Adjustments and Animation tabs in Photopia Director.



Explains how to use Groups in Photopia Director.



Explains how to use Shapes in Photopia Director.


Time Line

Explains how to use Time Line view in Photopia Director.


Using the Wizard

Explains how to use the Wizard in Photopia Director to quickly create amazing slideshows.


Creating Wizard Themes

This video shows how you can create your own Wizard Themes

Need more advanced training? Photopia recommends training from our partner Choice Slides.