Photopia Version History
Photopia Creator and Photopia Director.
Version 2.0.917 – December 2 2022
Fixed problem with Autosave
Version 2.0.915 – November 29 2022
Added option in Preferences to hide / show the Import prompt
Added option to reset bezier control points using right-click
Fixed copied projects not immediately showing up in All Shows group
Fixed issue with exceeding limit of Audio / Video cache size
Fixed toggle for Size column in Details mode in Browser
Fixed issue with changing Content order
Fixed several stability issues
Version 2.0.909 – November 21 2022
- Added options to manage layer linking
- Added options to manage cached content
- Added messages for things that can take a long time
- Improved backup feature for Projects
- Improved error handling when saving / loading Projects
- Fixed issue with duplicate shows after using ‘Run the Wizard again’ from Remix
- Fixed new shows from Templates not appearing on Home Screen initially
- Fixed the ‘Used in Show’ Category for Slide Styles when switching shows
- Fixed incorrect file preview when using keyboard navigation in Browser
- Fixed keyframe positions when changing outgoing Transition duration
- Fixed issue with linked video layers with different starting keyframes
- Fixed incorrect content descriptions when changing content order
- Fixed visibility of disabled audio tracks in Light Gray color scheme
- Fixed missing Categories for imported Slide Styles / Transitions
- Fixed update issue with Crop after selecting new source image
- Fixed incorrect names when using Export from Home Screen
- Fixed update issue with Crop when changing Content order
- Fixed missing Duration option for certain Caption Effects
- Fixed issues with Play Slide button in Preview area
- Fixed issues with Slide Sounds in combined shows
- Fixed issues with Soundtrack in combined shows
- Fixed issues with Shadows on layers with 3D pan
- Fixed issue with slide thumbnails not updating
- Fixed issue with Crop presets for linked layers
- Fixed issues with ‘Export as Template’ option
- Fixed issue with alpha channel in Gradients
- Fixed issue with loading the autosave
- Fixed various stability issues
Version 2.0.893 – September 27 2022
- Fixed problem with content from styles going missing
Fixed issue with background color for new blank slides
Fixed problems with Clean Strip Wipe transitions
Fixed performance issues with large shows that use sequences
Version 2.0.890 – September 23 2022
- Fixed problem with content from styles going missing
Version 2.0.889 – September 22 2022
- Fixed problem with content from styles going missing
- Fixed problem with audio in output with multiple concatenated shows
Version 2.0.888 – September 21 2022
All versions
Import / Export Library feature now maintains custom categories.
Fixed issue with having different crop presets on duplicated content
Fixed issue with UI controls for individual slices
Fixed issue with drag & drop of layers between multiple main windows
Fixed issue with Wizard Theme thumbnails going missing when remixing show
Fixed problem with detecting certain video files
Fixed issue where exporting slide styles could take a very long time
Director only
Fixed issue with file size of exported effects
Fixed some stability issues
Version 2.0.882 – September 7 2022
Updated button artwork for Google services
Fixed issues with file locations when migrating Libraries between Windows and Mac
Fixed issue with aspect ratio lock when changing Horizontal / Vertical Zoom
Fixed issue where first / last keyframes could be deleted accidentally
Fixed issue with duplicating group / child Layers with drag-and-drop
Fixed issue with Home Screen not showing last used Project Group
Fixed issue with activation caused by using invalid registration key
Fixed issues caused by combining Projects from the Home Screen
Fixed issue with compositing mode on Layers inside Groups
Fixed missing Slideshow Thumbnail after renaming Project
Fixed issues with icons / descriptions for new Transitions
Fixed issue with opening program on some computers
Fixed typo in “Y Offset” label under Adjustments tab
Fixed issues caused by very high resolution images
Fixed issues caused by large Slideshows
Version 2.0.872 – August 25 2022
Fixed issue with preview not using all available space
Fixed issue with video encoding crashing on certain Macs
Version 2.0.871 – August 24 2022
Fixed issue with Import button in Manage Effects Dialog
Fixed issue with video encoding crashing on certain computers
Fixed issue with importing effects from other computers
Various small fixes
Version 2.0.870 – August 23 2022
Added a User Manual accessible from the Help Center
Added options to Export / Import various content
Added many improvements to the Home Screen
Added keyframe thumbnails to Preview area
Added new audio tracks to Music Library
Added configurable Color Schemes to UI
Added Dual / Triple Preview mode
Added option to categorize Wizard Themes in Theme Editor
Added caption macros for slide / show name
Added various Copy options for Keyframes
Added file extensions to Content list
Added option to Unlink layers
Added a What’s New dialog
Added new Transitions
Added various tutorials
Transition Picker and Select Style windows now remember the last used category
Removed the Estimated Show Duration label from Settings page of Wizard
Improved undo after applying a Slide Style to multiple slides at once
Improved edge scrolling in Slide List / Timeline
Fixed UI issue when deleting last layer in slide would cause caption to become last layer
Fixed issue where Playback Position Indicator could fail to update after selecting a slide
Fixed issue with outer keyframes not being enabled when changing an inner keyframe
Fixed issue with missing files after opening a slideshow by double-clicking the NPS file
Fixed issue with tall / wide images being scaled to low quality in certain scenarios
Fixed issue with Preview area not updating after selecting a layer not yet visible
Fixed issue with hidden effects not being grayed out in Manage Effects window
Fixed issue with duplicated caption layers not being darkened in Preview area
Fixed issue with image refresh after external editor change alters aspect ratio
Fixed issue with Show Title not being displayed in Project List in some cases
Fixed issue with copied Solid / Gradient layers having linked Crop settings
Fixed issue with layer content being incorrect after undoing layer removal
Fixed issue with ‘missing’ files after moving Project to different computer
Fixed names of “Speech bubble – Round” and “Speech bubble – Square”
Fixed issue with setting show thumbnail for secondary shows in Project
Fixed issue with cropping on different fitting modes for the same layer
Fixed issue when setting “Transition In” option from Slide Settings tab
Fixed issue with preference to show message for Full Screen Playback
Fixed issue with Captions not updating after copying Font Size setting
Fixed issue with application not properly waking up from Sleep mode
Fixed issue with soundtrack waveform below empty part of Slide List
Fixed issue with Copy options in keyframe timeline right-click menu
Fixed issue with show getting lost after cancelling Remix process
Fixed issue with outer color stops in gradients disappearing
Fixed issue with Reset Layer not removing all Crop settings
Fixed some issues with time format options for keyframes
Fixed hang caused by rapidly playing / pausing a slideshow
Fixed issue with lists auto-scrolling in inactive windows
Fixed memory leak when dragging slides in large shows
Fixed issue with Wizard applying incorrect Slide Styles
Fixed issues with settings for caption effect timing
Fixed Cut/Copy/Paste not working in Lightbox view
Fixed keyboard navigation issues in Lightbox view
Fixed issue with undo for Apply Slide Style action
Fixed issue with Vignettes with gradient borders
Fixed issue with incomplete video import queue
Fixed issue with application not properly exiting
Fixed issues with importing certain video files
Fixed issue with selecting multiple keyframes
Fixed issues with Grayscale Doors transitions
Fixed issues with Glowing Bars transitions
Fixed issues with Randomize Motion option
Fixed issue with canceling Video Encoding
Fixed issue with fade effects on captions
Fixed various issues with Crop feature
Fixed order issue with certain effects
Fixed issue with effects on Slices
Fixed various stability issues
Mac: Fixed issue with dates being off by one day
Version 1.0.800 – December 21 2021
All versions
Added notice for available updates in Problem Report window
Added option to cancel video file importing then restart it later
Added tooltip for Fly-In / Fly-Out duration slider in Keyframe area
Added rename option to right-click menu for sections in Theme editor
Added tooltips for Keyframe Markers / Motion Path buttons in Preview area
Improved video file import process
Improved keyboard controls in Browser
Improved zoom controls in Timeline area
Improved feedback in Missing Files window
Improved error feedback in registration window
Fixed issues with changing UI Scale
Fixed various issues with Crop feature
Fixed issues with aspect ratio in Slide Styles
Fixed issue with program losing Maximized state
Fixed issue with nested social media folders in Browser
Fixed issue with section name updates in Theme editor
Fixed button mismatch between Slides and Timeline areas
Fixed issue with display of Transition icons in Timeline area
Fixed issue where remixing a show could reset its aspect ratio
Fixed problem with multi-keyframe selection in Keyframes area
Fixed startup delay when disconnected network drives detected
Fixed issue that could cause program to revert to evaluation mode
Fixed problem where audio file duration could be detected incorrectly
Fixed issue where Wizard could use Slide Styles with incorrect aspect ratio
Fixed unintended ‘expand’ option for layers in Copy Layer Settings window
Fixed problem where Watermark and Background layers could become linked
Fixed problem with “Add to Show” not working for social media options in Browser
Fixed issue where images / videos could be inserted into the wrong part of the Layers list
Director only
Added option to rename Slices from Layers list with right-click
Added options for Aspect Ratio to Preview area in Slide Style editor
Removed the “Animate All” option from right-click menu for slices in Keyframe area
Fixed issue with Slice name not resetting when option left blank
Fixed problem with “Pan” effects on caption (word) Slices
Fixed problem with exporting Wizard Themes from Home Screen
Version 1.0.776- October 22 2021
Added options to Preferences for controlling Long Key Press behavior
Increased default delay for Long Key Press option
Changed label in File Information window
Fixed conflicts in project “Data” folder after replacing layer source file
Fixed volume issues with non-replaceable video layers in Slide Styles
Fixed issue with ‘missing file’ notice when original content is missing
Fixed the “Go To Slide” option for content in project “Data” folders
Fixed icon colors immediately after changing “Color Scheme”
Fixed issue that could prevent some projects from importing
Fixed usage indicator for audio files in project “Data” folder
Fixed incorrect path listing in File Information window
Fixed custom video layer sound settings being reset
Fixed issue with scrolling in Select Project window
Fixed incorrect input from non-English keyboards
Fixed issues with file modification detection
Fixed tool tip for volume control in Timeline
Fixed missing audio for video file previews
Fixed the Caps Lock for text entry fields
Version 1.0.763- October 1 2021
Added support for HEIC image files
Added support for RAW image files
Added support for JPE image files
Added tooltips for show Soundtrack
Added option to Reset settings by group
Added icon for Flagged slides in Lightbox
Added track numbers to show Soundtrack
Added trimmed duration to show Soundtrack
Added ‘go to track’ option for show Soundtrack
Added drive labels to Browser (Windows only)
Added an Insert Symbol option with pop-up window
Added option to enter special characters with ALT codes
Added option to enter special characters with long keypress
Improved right-click menu entries in Keyframes list
Improved resolution default in Capture Frame window
Improved selection when changing order in Content list
Improved process for naming video file output (Mac only)
Fixed issue with missing effect thumbnails
Fixed issue in preview for Edit Shape window
Fixed issue with Bold / Italic effects in captions
Fixed issue with missing audio from video layers
Fixed issue with Crop when layer Shape enabled
Fixed issue with caption alignment after pasting text
Fixed issue with video output when Sequences present
Fixed issue with ‘recently used’ list in Transition window
Fixed issue with inserting layers while global layer selected
Fixed issue with Outlines / Shadows on Slices with early end
Fixed issue with Fly-In / Fly-Out display in keyframe timeline
Fixed issue with Fly-In / Fly-Out updates after deleting keyframes
Fixed issue with copying slides between Template-based slideshows
Fixed issue with selection state after moving Content up / down in list
Fixed preview display after changing Layer selection in Adjustment tab
Fixed issue where temporary ‘template show’ could be left behind in Projects list
Version 1.0.729- August 6 2021
Fixed problem creating disc-based output
Version 1.0.727- August 5 2021
Fixed performance issues when working with large shows
Fixed issue where Transitions window could lose focus
Fixed video layer audio after applying a Slide Style
Fixed issue with cropped layers in Effects browser
Fixed issue when adding Fly-Out from Favorites
Fixed issue in Content list after switching slides
Fixed the Keyframe toggle in the Preview area
Version 1.0.719 – July 29 2021
Fixed issue with captions that contain empty lines
Fixed issue where program could fail to load
Fixed order of options for Group layers
Fixed display issue in Projects window
Version 1.0.713 – July 22 2021
Added new Font Browser preview
Added controls for defining Safe Zone area
Added layer scaling options for Safe Zone area
Added better options for Randomize Transitions
Fixed issue with UI sizing on lower resolution monitors
Fixed delays associated with adding / removing slides
Fixed performance issue related to Plasma Gradients
Fixed memory usage issue with very large shows
Fixed issue with Rulers in Preview area
Version 1.0.700 – July 5 2021
All Versions
Added feedback for disabled Position / Zoom Tool in Preview area
Added a Canvas Position / Zoom tool to the Preview area
Added support for ICC color profiles in JPG / PNG images
Changed placement of Center Point Tool in Preview area
Changed icon for Reset Canvas option in Preview area
Fixed issue with layer animations where only one keyframe was enabled
Fixed issue with Slide Name label in Slides list when Slide Style applied
Fixed issue where video layer audio could become duplicated in show
Fixed duplicate delete option from keyframe marker right-click menu
Fixed issue with audio being left behind after deleting a video layer
Fixed conflict caused by using different images with the same name
Fixed label in Layers list when Adjustment / Mask attribute toggled
Fixed problems with the Output Queue in the Projects window
Fixed playback speed for certain videos in video file preview
Fixed issue with manually applying No Style effect in Wizard
Fixed issue where pasted slides could be in the wrong order
Fixed issue with the order News items are displayed
Fixed issue where caption alignment could be lost
Fixed issue with Show timeline in Audio Trimmer
Fixed issue where Theme favorites could be lost
Fixed issue with caption textures in Slide Styles
Fixed typo in Caption Macro option
Fixed issues in the Video Trimmer
Fixed icon scaling in Content tab
Director only
Added option to rename Sequences in Slides list
Added the Sequence name to the Slides list
Fixed issue with Slide Styles created from slides with unused Content
Version 1.0.675 – May 7 2021
Added the Special Selections categories to Select Slide Style window
Added various metadata options to Settings tab in Menu Editor
Added rename slides option to right-click menu in Slides List
Added word wrap in Description field for Problem Reports
Added a Search option to the Select Slide Style window
Added option to manage Menus from Effects window
Added option to set metadata for saved Menus
Added time labels to the Video Trimmer
Changed button label in Publish menu from Publish to Create
Changed label for video thumbnails in Menus tab
Changed icon for Solid Color option in Browser
Changed label in Menu tab in Publish window
Changed how customized Menus are ‘loaded’
Changed the Your Projects label to Projects
Fixed issue where Menu settings could be lost when switching formats
Fixed issue where Publish window could close after incorrect setting
Fixed issue where slide numbers in Slide List could become incorrect
Fixed issue with locked slide time after updating video layer speed
Fixed problem with not being able to set textures on outlines
Fixed issue with dragging volume control points down to zero
Fixed issue where Slide List could jump back to the first slide
Fixed issue with video sound settings on copied video layers
Fixed issue where Layers list thumbnails could be incorrect
Fixed issue using last known location for Add Audio option
Fixed various UI issues in metadata area of Effects window
Fixed issues with thumbnailing and importing SVG images
Fixed issue with slide sounds not playing on copied slides
Fixed minor layout issues in Menu tab in Publish window
Fixed persistent audio preview after leaving the Browser
Fixed audio waveform issue in Customize Menu window
Fixed issue with additional pages in customized menus
Fixed issue where Favorites in Browser could be blank
Fixed issue with copying RGB values into color picker
Fixed minor layout issues with Gradient settings area
Fixed update issue with slide number caption macros
Fixed issue where Project information could be lost
Fixed issue with thumbnail for saved custom Menus
Fixed issue that allowed for multiple Save windows
Fixed issue with audio from video layers on Menus
Fixed reset option for Solid Color layer resolution
Fixed issue where Undo could delete Menu pages
Fixed problem with creating DVDs with no menu
Fixed problem with video thumbnails on Menus
Fixed file cleanup when deleting custom Menus
Fixed file extension issue for exported Menus
Fixed default resolution for Solid Color layers
Fixed issue with aspect ratio of DVD menus
Fixed issue with Gradient layer thumbnails
Fixed usage count object in Music Library
Fixed issue with Reset Window Layout
Fixed default name for saved Menus
Fixed various stability issues
Version 1.0.650 – April 7 2021
Added all new Menu Editor
Updated the YouTube icon
Updated the About window with Privacy Policy / Terms of Service links
Improved the Browser to better remember last used location
Improved filename default for Slide Sound recording to avoid accidental
Fixed motion smoothing issue in PSH imports
Fixed accuracy of Capture Current Frame feature
Fixed crash issue that could occur when using very large image files
Fixed volume lines in Soundtrack area of Timeline view at end of show
Version 1.0.626 – February 25 2021
Fixed save failure if Filter and Slide Style applied to same slide
Fixed layer motion when exterior keyframes disabled
Fixed use count for audio files in Browser
Fixed issues with Color Picker selections
Fixed audio fade lines in Timeline view
Fixed hang in Filter selection window
Mac only:
Fixed hang condition after editing layer settings in Preview area
Version 1.0.621 – February 3 2021
Fixed issue with hardware accelerated video encoding on some systems with an Intel GPU
Version 1.0.619 – January 29 2021
Fixed issue with editing the color or texture of a caption
Version 1.0.618 – January 28 2021
Fixed issue with changing source file for Masking layers
Fixed fly-out adjustments from Keyframe Timeline
Fixed issues related to how Autosave logic works
Fixed revision list scrolling in update window
Fixed revision history link in update window
Fixed import failure with certain PSH files
Version 1.0.615 – January 21 2021
Added a Text Box feature for caption layers
Added edge scrolling in Wizard content areas
Added option to log out of social media accounts
Added default Motion Smoothing to Preferences
Added a Caption Macro feature for caption layers
Added option to see available Slide Style variants
Added a “Time elapsed” field in video rendering window
Added option to Hold last frame of video past end of layer
Added default caption Font, Size, and Color to Preferences
Added a “Go to Slide” option to right-click menu in Browser
Improved the layout of the Preferences window
Improved arrow key navigation through certain lists
Changed style preview to use duration of active slide
Improved memory management when rendering video
Changed position of Motion Smoothness option when active
Changed the Motion Smoothness option to be hidden by default
Fixed scrollbar covering Category counts in Manage Effects window
Fixed issue where Group layers showed Outline / Shadow options
Fixed issue with playback indicator when scrolling Slides list
Fixed positioning issue with volume nodes in Timeline list
Fixed various issues with audio from looping video layers
Fixed initialization issue in ‘Browse For Folder’ window
Fixed caption prompts for static sections in the Wizard
Fixed delay with effects showing up in News section
Fixed some missing options in Copy Settings window
Fixed crash that could happen when rendering video
Fixed issue when dropping image on masking layer
Fixed issue with copying slides to a different show
Fixed crash condition caused by certain transitions
Fixed clipping caused by mask layers inside groups
Fixed issue with flickering characters in text fields
Fixed issue with transitions when moving slides
Fixed issue where Still Frame output could fail
Fixed duplicate content linking in PSH imports
Fixed missing audio from global video layers
Fixed duplicate content after copying layers
Fixed audio playback in standalone player
Fixed issue with Shapes on video layers
Fixed issue with captions in masks
Fixed issue in video trimmer
Director only:
Fixed missing Description details in Style / Transition projects
Fixed issue where template export could fail
Mac only:
Fixed issue where folders could fail to unmount
Version 1.0.586 – November 30 2020
Added Trim Video option to Wizard content area
Added prompt when using Cancel to exit the Wizard
Added marketing communication toggle to Preferences
Fixed positioning issue in Shape feature
Fixed issue with moving nested layers into a group
Fixed progress window when outputting to vertical video
Fixed issue with full screen preview after using the Wizard
Fixed issue where Preview could fail after remixing a show
Fixed display issue when dragging images in Wizard content area
Fixed issue where scrollbar could obscure waveform in Timeline view
Version 1.0.578 – November 16 2020
Windows and Mac:
Added tutorial videos for using the Wizard and creating Wizard Themes
Fixed issue with dropping files into the Content area of the Wizard
Mac only:
Fixed problem with program not opening on “Big Sur” (macOS 11.0)
Version 1.0.576 – November 9 2020
Windows and Mac:
Improved search behavior in Theme list within the Wizard
Removed the audio lock option from the Timeline
Fixed issue where show Preview could be shown over other programs
Fixed issue where ‘used in show’ count in Browser could be
Fixed issue where Music Library preview could fail to stop
Fixed problem where Remix Selected Slides option could fail
Fixed issue in Layers list after changing order in Content list
Fixed issue where show Preview could fail to stop properly
Fixed issue with placeholder layers in the Preview area
Mac only:
Fixed issue with entering certain non-English characters
Version 1.0.568 – October 31 2020
Windows and Mac:
Added an all new Wizard with various workflow improvements
Added an all new Wizard Theme Editor with new options
Added new Layout Mode (“Light”)
Added option to edit built-in Wizard Themes
Added system to provide new Effects through the Home Screen
Changed how Font Size is initialized for new captions
Categorized built-in Wizard Themes
Updated the Lightbox Panel
Fixed issue in Standalone Player when using Escape to return to menu
Fixed issue with Save Changes prompt appearing when it should not
Fixed issue with Content tab being selected when switching slides
Fixes issue where View menu could get out of sync with the UI
Fixed drag behavior when right mouse button is set as primary
Fixed issue with sort order for audio files in Browser
Fixed issue with selection highlights on DVD menus
Fixed crash problems on systems with no sound card
Improved slide style lists by adding category counts
Fixed issue with easing option for Blend transition
Fixed issue with height of Video Trimmer Window
Fixed issue with Select All behavior in Browser
Mac only:
Fixed issue where dialogs could open in the wrong part of the screen
Version 1.0.537 – September 3 2020
Windows and Mac:
Fixed issue with shadows on video layers with alpha channels
Mac only:
Fixed issue where DVD burners were not properly detected
Version 1.0.535 – August 31 2020
Added option to include additional content on Blu-ray, AVCHD, and DVD disc output
Added alpha channel support for imported videos
Improved quality of preview playback
Changed video layer ‘loop’ default to ‘disabled’
Improved thumbnail quality on Standalone Show menus
Improved save / export process for Templates in a multi-show project
Fixed issue where Preview position might not update after clicking on Preview slider
Fixed issue with options shown after selecting video layer audio from Timeline list
Fixed issue where ‘loop’ option was reset when changing video layer source file
Fixed issue where Preview could be incorrect after scrubbing through the show
Fixed hang condition that could occur when building a show with the Wizard
Fixed layer smearing issue related to slides with no background enabled
Fixed video file preview in File Information Tab when using the Browser
Fixed issue with Page Curl transitions being incorrect in some cases
Fixed issue with unnecessary horizontal scrollbar in Effects window
Fixed issue where deleting video layer could leave audio behind
Fixed issue where Play Slide button could fail to work properly
Fixed motion path when Position not set on last keyframe
Fixed content removal issue after deleting nested layers
Fixed issue with deleting unused content from a slide
Fixed issue with recent color option in color pickers
Fixed playback controls during Full Screen preview
Fixed issue with Full Screen Playback preference
Fixed audio from video layers in a copied slide
Fixed issue with position of scrolling font list
Fixed issue with video layers is transitions
Fixed issues with Start Track Here option
Fixed issue with slices on blurred layers
Version 1.0.526 -July 31 2020
Windows and Mac:
Improved behavior of video layers when applying certain slide styles
Improved quality of menu thumbnails in Standalone Player
Improved performance when importing images
Improved video thumbnail caching
Fixed issue caused by deleting slides with video layers from the Wizard
Fixed audio issues related to having multiple video layers in one slide
Fixed issue with dragging images in Add Content area of the Wizard
Fixed hang caused by dragging collapsed sequences in the slide list
Fixed issue with custom menu backgrounds in Standalone Player
Fixed issue with hidden Themes still showing up in the Wizard
Fixed creation of Standalone Show output from certain shows
Fixed issue with saving projects after using the Revert feature
Fixed issue with certain non-western characters in captions
Fixed missing audio from video layers in Standalone Player
Fixed issue with Page Curl transitions at certain durations
Fixed details in Project List after using the Revert feature
Fixed issue where playback could appear to freeze
Fixed problem with the “Puzzle Fly In” transition
Fixed issue where Vimeo output could fail
Fixed issue with maintaining Vimeo login
Fixed display issue affecting certain fonts
Director only: Fixed missing selection outlines on slices for copied layers
Mac only:
Improved display performance
Fixed issue with full screen playback on secondary monitors
Fixed issues related to importing PSH slideshow files
Version 1.0.512 -July 10 2020
Windows and Mac:
Fixed blank slide being added to show after using Standalone Show output
Mac only:
Fixed issue with opening Help window using the F1 key
Fixed issue caused by selecting options form the Welcome screen
Version 1.0.510 -July 9 2020
Added an Audio Offset option for video layers
Added outline to image / texture preview areas
Improved interface for setting / locking slide times
Fixed registration failure caused by having used multiple subscriptions
Fixed import error with M4A files that contain an image thumbnail
Fixed stretched shows in video output with aspect ratio mismatch
Fixed issue caused by enabling full screen mode during playback
Fixed issue with automatically enabling keyframe options
Fixed issue with layer effects after changing layer source
Fixed keyframe selection state after switching layers
Fixed issue with importing Wizard theme files
Fixed issue with Full Pan caption behaviors
Version 1.0.488 -June 16 2020
Fixed intermittent hang that could occur when stopping preview playback
Fixed issue caused by moving video output process to the background
Fixed issues with edge scrolling in the Slides list
Version 1.0.485 -June 14 2020
Added new orientation label to details area in Slide Style tab
Added new Registration ID label to the About dialog
Added new progress dialog for project save process
Added new output options for Instagram
Improved memory management during output processes
Fixed issue with Soundtrack During This Video not updating properly
Fixed issue with File Modification notice after applying a Slide Style
Fixed issues with keyframe placement when applying a Slide Style
Fixed issue with layers being left after deleting their Content
Fixed issue with Tile / Pan follow filters in imported shows
Fixed issue where empty shows could cause output failure
Fixed issues where volume fade points could be incorrect
Fixed issues with dragging objects around in the Timeline
Fixed issue with performance when using large captions
Fixed issue with blurry thumbnails in Standalone Shows
Fixed issue with UI update after using Find Missing Files
Fixed issues related to deleting effects from Layers list
Fixed issue with slide count update in Template shows
Fixed issue where Keyframe markers could be missing
Fixed issue with Undo behavior after deleting a layer
Fixed issue with the Add Multiple Keyframes feature
Fixed missing thumbnails when importing Templates
Fixed issues with selecting multiple keyframes
Fixed issue with missing Transition icons
Fixed issues with Reset Slide behavior
Fixed various typos
Creator only:
Fixed missing Local / Global layer toggle
Version 1.0.467 -May 21 2020
Fixed playback issue caused by having Mute enabled
Fixed layer transparency in the Standalone Player
Fixed issues with copying layers to other slides
Fixed issue with linked images in Templates
Version 1.0.464 -May 17 2020
Added fallback logic for characters not present in the current font
Added right-click option to invert text order for captions
Improved behavior when opening secondary shows from the project list
Improved behavior when dragging audio sync bars in slide list
Improved placement logic for the Copy Layers feature
Reduced default line spacing for multi-line captions
Fixed login failure with certain YouTube and Google Drive / Photos accounts
Fixed registration issue caused by using multiple keys on the same system
Fixed issues related to having files in folders with non-western characters
Fixed issue where number boxes could fail to accept input in some cases
Fixed hang caused by dragging layer group onto itself in Layers list
Fixed issue with follow filters on masking / adjustment layers
Fixed issue where audio could be out of sync during playback
Fixed issue where Blu-ray output could fail in some players
Fixed issue with missing content from applied slide styles
Fixed issue with character / line spacing from PSH files
Fixed issue with copying slides that have video layers
Fixed reset buttons for sliders with values near zero
Fixed issue with importing audio from PSH files
Fixed issue with Remix Selected Slides feature
Fixed issue with unused content in slide styles
Fixed issue with adding layer effects to videos
Fixed issue with Vignettes in some transitions
Fixed missing files logic for imported PSH files
Fixed missing files issue in combined shows
Fixed issue with caption formatting
Fixed issue with small Blur values
Fixed issue with motion paths
Version 1.0.442 -April 18 2020
Added ‘go to next’ / ‘go to previous’ for flagged slides (CTRL+ALT+G / CTRL+SHIFT+G)
Added effect categories in details area within Manage Effects window
Added playback toggle using the Spacebar in video trimmer
Added a Combine Shows option to the projects window
Added a Rename Project option to the projects window
Added a Notes Icon to the Layers list
Improved font size for certain tooltips
Improved feedback when trying to write over an ISO file that is in use
Fixed auto-selection issue when clicking on video waveform in slide list
Fixed clipping issue during layer transitions where Tilt Panning is used
Fixed import failure for PSH files if notes contain newline character
Fixed content removal issue when applying slide styles
Fixed name update issue when copying a slide style
Fixed layer focus issue when switching UI layouts
Fixed missing audio in video trimmer
Fixed missing Wizard themes
Version 1.0.437 -April 11 2020
Added option to send current project to Photopia as a Problem Report
Added option to send unsupported files to Photopia for analysis
Added option to prevent accidentally deleting a project
Changed the process for accepting Music Library terms
Improved options for sorting files by Name attribute
Improved layout in video layer sound settings
Improved check boxes for unavailable options
Improved drop area in the Content list
Fixed issues with some built-in Slide Styles
Fixed issue with pasting text into text fields
Fixed delay when searching in the Slide Styles list
Fixed default selection when opening Publish window
Fixed issue with Zoom aspect ratio lock in Shape settings
Fixed layout issue affecting video layer Fade In / Out values
Fixed problem with copying slides that include an audio track
Fixed issue where images could be lost after applying a Slide Style
Fixed single list option on output menus when including multiple shows
Version 1.0.422 – March 21 2020
Added an all new royalty-free Music Library
Added seeking controls to audio previews
Added a “Used in Show” sort option to the Browser
Changed audio syncing logic in the Wizard to avoid ‘sync locking’
Reduced height of Publish window to better fit on low resolution displays
Fixed issue caused by importing ProShow effects while in ‘evaluation’ mode
Fixed inability to drop audio files into Soundtrack just below transitions
Fixed playback in Standalone Player for shows from ‘evaluation’ installs
Fixed inability to edit / delete keyframes in slides with a style applied
Fixed quality issue for high resolution video layers in 4K video output
Fixed import of captions with non-western characters from PSH files
Fixed missing “Used in Show” icons in Browser after loading a show
Fixed issue with ‘file modification’ notice being shown incorrectly
Fixed issue affecting several Pan-based caption Behavior Effects
Fixed link behavior for show backgrounds on copied slides
Fixed sorting issue in Browser for folders with lots of files
Fixed problems with menus in Standalone Player output
Fixed problem with size of show titles on output menus
Fixed the Shadow area for layers with Vignette enabled
Fixed issue where some project files could fail to open
Fixed issue with motion path smoothing
Fixed problem with certain PSD files
Version 1.0.409 – March 2 2020
Fixed issue with layer Filters
Fixed issue with Crop initialization in templates
Fixed issue with Add Solid Color / Gradient option in Layers tab
Version 1.0.406 – February 28 2020
Added better detection and handling for files that change outside the program
Added support for a wider variety of PSD files
Added aspect ratio option to Crop feature
Fixed issue where DVDs with no menu could fail to play properly
Fixed issue with audio from video layers playing past end of layer
Fixed issue with incorrect crop on layers with image filter applied
Fixed a PSH import failure if show title contains certain characters
Fixed issue with Group layers not limiting visibility of layers within
Fixed issue with audio from removed video layers being left behind
Fixed issue with slide sound from removed slides being left behind
Fixed issue with non-standard ascii characters in certain places
Fixed issue related to removing layer filter using Undo action
Fixed issue with aspect ratio when copying Crop values
Fixed playback problems caused by slide duplication
Fixed issue with applying “no style” to copied slides
Fixed issues with modifiers in imported transitions
Fixed issue with display of ‘used in show’ counter
Fixed issue with number boxes accepting input
Fixed issue with changing caption colors
Version 1.0.395 – February 8 2020
Added a “Play Slide” button to the Preview playback controls
Added an “Apply” button to the Transition tab in the Wizard
Added shortcut buttons to Layers tab in Compact Mode
Changed slide dragging behavior in Wizard / Lightbox
Fixed layer visibility issue caused by certain Adjustment layers
Fixed corruption caused by the “Spin Horizontal” caption effect
Fixed problems with Preview in Wizard after using Remix
Fixed some issues with layer transition durations
Fixed problem with deleting Wizard themes
Fixed issue with Media Source file imports
Fixed typo in Fly Out Effect list
Version 1.0.388 – February 4 2020
Added audio trimming options to right-click menu in Slides / Timeline views
Added ‘split track’ option to right-click menu in Slides / Timeline views
Changed slide style preview behavior to prevent looping
Improved playback controls in Audio Trimmer window
Fixed ‘start’ / ‘end’ trim buttons in Audio Trimmer window
Fixed file permission issues on systems with multiple user accounts
Fixed problem with show thumbnails on DVD / Blu-ray menus
Fixed rotation for auto-rotated images from PSH files
Fixed issue with video layer speed in output
Fixed problems with blurred captions
Fixed issue in the Gradient editor
Fixed issue with static Filters
Director only:
Fixed issue when dragging slides into show from Style Builder window
Version 1.0.381 – January 30 2020
Improved feedback for effects created in an evaluation installation
Fixed issue where video output could fail on some systems
Fixed import failure for PSH files with certain blank captions
Fixed error that could occur during normal shutdown process
Fixed the Reset Layer option for layer Groups and Captions
Fixed audio import issue affecting some systems
Fixed wording in the Finalize step of the Wizard
Version 1.0.377 – January 28 2020
Improved support for adding content from a very long file path
Fixed intermittent stalls when working with certain shows
Fixed rare failure when adding audio / video to a show
Fixed issues with linked images from PSH files
Fixed intermittent output failure
Version 1.0.375 – January 26 2020
Added keyframe navigation controls to Animations tab
Added mouse cursor feedback in Crop window
Improved size of control knobs in Crop window
Improved playback performance where Blur is enabled
Improved thumbnailing speed in the Browser
Changed wording in evaluation pop-up window
Fixed the “No Disk In Drive” error condition affecting systems with certain card readers
Fixed preview playback starting at the wrong point in Keyframes mode
Fixed intermittent problem with waveform updates after trimming an audio file
Fixed incorrect audio trim values after importing show from PSH file
Fixed the “Invalid File” error for certain PSH imports
Fixed thumbnail updating in Browser after external file changes
Fixed display issue affecting videos that need to be rotated when imported
Fixed issue where pressing Spacebar could fail to start preview playback
Fixed intermittent issue where folders in Browser could appear empty
Fixed problem with removing Effects after importing show from PSH file
Fixed missing right-click menu for soundtrack area in Timeline mode
Fixed linked template slots after importing template from PXT file
Fixed linked images after importing show from PSH file
Fixed button label in Slide Styles pop-up window
Fixed import problems affecting certain video files
Fixed issues related to swapping out removable drives
Fixed incorrect transition after using copy / paste on a slide
Fixed preview update when using Italic option in captions
Fixed update issue affecting size fields in Crop window
Fixed preview playback in Slide Styles pop-up window
Fixed issue with missing files in Templates
Fixed speed of video layers in Transitions
Version 1.0.364 – January 15 2020
Fixed issue where number boxes could fail to accept input
Fixed issue with vignettes on transparent solid color layers
Fixed issue with finding missing files for imported PSH shows
Fixed persistent audio from video layer after video is removed
Fixed issue where audio sync could be wrong during preview playback
Fixed several silent stability problems
Version 1.0.359 – January 12 2020
Added new UI for Fly In / Fly Out Effects in keyframe timelines
Added 4K UHD MPEG-4 profile to Video File output option
Added progress window for social media output
Added new Location filters for Slide Styles
Improved missing file behavior for imported PST templates
Changed position of Video File option in Publish window
Fixed intermittent hang when switching Slide Style selection
Fixed video layer volume being reset when loading a show
Fixed control bar behavior in full screen preview playback
Fixed missing volume controls for copied video layers
Fixed issue caused by cancelling the Save prompt
Fixed issue where trial banner could be too tall
Fixed issue with Combine Slides feature
Fixed issue with YouTube uploads
Fixed issue in the Gradient editor
Version 1.0.355 – January 6 2020
Fixed intermittent playback crash
Version 1.0.354 – January 6 2020
Improved playback performance
Added option to copy Crop to other layers
Added option to copy Vignette to other layers
Fixed problems with Hidden indicator for layers
Fixed issue where dragging slides could result in copy behavior
Fixed solid color / gradient support for DVD menu backgrounds
Fixed issues related to customizing DVD menus
Fixed output failure when DVD has no menu
Fixed minor wording issue in the Wizard
Version 1.0.348 – December 26 2019
Added support for burning Blu-ray / AVCHD / DVD output direct to disc
Added option to see which Styles / Transitions are in a given Theme
Added default monitor Preference for Full Screen playback
Added percentage number fields to Crop dialog
Improved menu customization options
Fixed problems with certain layer settings in PSH imports
Fixed incorrect transitions in certain PSH imports
Fixed auto-scroll behavior when dropping multiple images / videos into a show
Fixed issue where File Information could fail to populate properly for some content sources
Fixed problems with certain transition / slide style combinations not working properly
Fixed issues with remove / include show toggle for multi-show output formats
Fixed issue that could prevent Preference window from closing properly
Fixed issues with copying slides and pasting them into other shows
Fixed display issue affecting background layers during transitions
Fixed issues with removing background layer content
Fixed issues with vignettes on Solid Color and Gradient layers
Fixed problems with custom volume setting on video layers
Fixed problems with locking slide duration to slide sound
Fixed issue where Blur values could be too intense
Fixed issues with Position option in Follow Filter
Fixed problems with visibility flag for captions
Fixed problems with Vimeo upload process
Fixed problem with Wizard using Styles that are not included in the Selected Theme
Fixed several stability issues
Version 1.0.333 – December 06 2019
Added progress dialog for Standalone Show output process
Added reset buttons for External Editor options in Preferences
Added currently applied Theme name to the main Wizard UI
Added slide number to thumbnails in the Timeline
Improved overall performance when selecting a different layer / slide
Improved layout of playback controls in the main Preview area
Improved speed of application shutdown process
Improved audio editing controls in the Timeline
Improved details listed in the Output Completed window
Removed audio controls for video layers with no audio streams
Fixed missing show background during transitions in video rendering window
Fixed transition duration value after copying / pasting slide to new position
Fixed problems caused by selecting Advanced Edit Mode from View menu
Fixed missing caption / layer settings after importing show from PSH file
Fixed various problems caused by importing Slide Styles and Transitions
Fixed issue where the Preview could fail to update after disabling Crop
Fixed hang caused by changing Font selection in Add Caption window
Fixed issue where audio could be muted during fullscreen playback
Fixed missing Slide Style names after importing show from PSH file
Fixed problems with mute option in fullscreen preview playback
Fixed issue with Motion Easing not working in certain situations
Fixed audio issue for video layers with a modified Speed value
Fixed some missing descriptions in the initial Wizard interface
Fixed problems with volume changes in Standalone Player
Fixed missing thumbnail in Output Completed window
Fixed problems with manual update process
Fixed problems with Group Layers
Fixed various stability issues
Version 1.0.320 – November 25 2019
– Added description to title bar in pop-up Browser window
– Added motion path tool
– Added the Filter feature to Effects tab for layers
– Improved audio controls for video layers in Layer tab
– Layer motion path and keyframe options in Preview are now enabled by default
– Disabled category and hide/show options for Templates in effects manager
– Fixed crash condition when toggling Mute during playback
– Fixed issue that allowed the Wizard to select styles outside the selected theme
– Fixed issues with missing files in templates
– Fixed missing transitions after importing PSH files
– Fixed rotation values for flipped layers after importing PSH files
– Fixed various issues with imported Audio / Video files
– Fixed missing layer adjustments during Fly-In / Fly-Out effects
– Fixed issue with category list not updating after importing effects
– Fixed issue with category changes for effects not being saved
– Fixed failure when dropping audio tracks into Timeline area
– Fixed behavior of video layer volume settings
– Fixed default height for the home screen
– Fixed reset option for outline textures
– Fixed error reporting options in Preferences window
– Fixed download link for Photopia Player in Shandalone Show options
– Fixed various problems with the Photopia Player for Standalone Shows
– Fixed issue where slide count could become incorrect after publishing
– Fixed issue affecting non-replaceable content in transitions
– Fixed problems with replacing image layers in duplicated slides
– Fixed issue where effects could get stuck after opening / closing effect browser
– Fixed various stability issues
Version 1.0.313 – November 20 2019
Improved feature set for the Vignette option
Removed incorrect ‘add to show’ options from pop-up Media Browser window
Fixed thumbnailing problem in Media Browser
Fixed crash that could occur when importing Slide Styles
Fixed the Preview option in pop-up Media Browser window
Fixed issue where Browser tab could incorrectly retain focus
Fixed issue where certain fonts were not drawn properly
Fixed gradient resolution in imported shows
Fixed layout issues in media preview window
Fixed background color for certain text fields
Fixed issues with slide focus after stopping preview playback
Fixed display issue in Slide Style tab after changing slide selection
Fixed keyframe placement after applying certain Slide Styles
Fixed slide thumbnail after applying Slide Styles
Fixed follow filters in Slide Styles
Fixed numerous stability issues
Creator: Fixed missing Texture option in Outline feature
Version 1.0.308 – November 16 2019
Added better filtering options for Slide Styles
Added duration label to Transitions window
Added tab for Transitions in Wizard
Added preview tab in Wizard
Added support for importing PSD files
Improved behavior of ‘use duration’ option in Transitions window
Increased precision in Slide and Transition Duration fields
Fixed issue where main window could be blank on certain computers
Fixed missing Fly-In / Fly-Out caption effects after importing show from a PSH file
Fixed various minor issues related to importing shows from a PSH file
Fixed issues with Wizard applying styles to images based on orientation
Fixed several issues related to sorting content by Date Taken field
Fixed loss of Category selection when switching away from Slide Style tab
Fixed closing of Category area when switching away from Slide Style tab
Fixed incomplete Media Browser UI when selecting a slide sound
Fixed incorrect colors for certain imported videos
Fixed list of effects in the Featured Effects category
Fixed non-replaceable content in Transitions
Fixed placement of various tooltips
Fixed removal process for empty effect categories
Fixed timing problems in Preview after using Shift Slide(s) feature
Fixed issue related to copying grouped layers to other slides
Fixed issue with animating Colorize
Fixed several issues related to program stability
Version 1.0.302 – November 08 2019
Initial product release.