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Help please! Brand new user, trying to import Proshow Producer show

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Jeff Drake
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I am brand new to Photopia and am trying to import an existing Proshow Producer show into Photopia, so I can work on it. I do not see a way to do this! I only see one Import menu button and that is supposed to "import show into project." But I cannot seem to find a way to point to my existing slideshow! 

How can I do this?


LaVerne Curry
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 3

Hi Jeff.  I'm not sure if anyone responded to you.  When you open Photopia, there should be an icon with three lines in the upper right corner.  When you click there, there is an option to "Import from ProShow."  I just started using Photopia a couple of days ago.  I was very disappointed when I was ready to publish my ProShow video and it published with a huge disclaimer across the entire video.  I was able to publish without that disclaimer a couple of days before that.

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I am also a new Photopia user.  My show crashed in ProShow Gold - couldn't publish a finished show.  But I was able to import it into Photopia.  It's been quite a challenge!  I have actually got most of it done, but there are a few glitches that have to be worked out, and since I never have used Key-frames, have to learn how!  PSG seems so easy now!  Many "missing files" had to be downloaded one at a time.  Video clips were better than stills, because all the pan and zoom from PSG disappeared in Photopia.  Overall, importing the show has been much better than having to create it from scratch!  And I am slowly learning...Barbara


LaVerne Curry
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 3


Hi Barbara. I agree... importing my show was much better than having to create it from scratch.  However, some of the transitions didn't work the same way. I didn't realize until after the fact that I could also import styles, transitions, wizard themes and templates; which I have now done.  I'm learning slowly as well. By the time I get good at it, I hope they don't go out of business like ProShow. It would be great if they had a user guide.

FAYE CROSS reacted
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I also imported because I had a show started.  If I had it to do over, I WOULD PICK ANOTHER PROGRAM.  This has been a total struggle all the way--not the learning curve, but the program malfunctions.  Now I have literally months into my 1 hour show and I can't get it "Published".  I'm at my wits end.  

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I also had a show started in Proshow Producer when I bought Photopia Creator.

I did not even consider importing that show into Creator.
I finished the show in Producer!

Then I began to learn how to use Creator.

I can understand wanting to import shows that I had already completed in Producer into Creator.

Under no circumstances would I try to change applications to complete a show that I had started in another application.




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Posts: 14

My situation was a little different.  My completed show in ProShow Gold was completed just as the program completely crashed, and there was no way to find it or publish it.  So my only reasonable chooice was to import it into Photopia Creator.

I'm finding Creator quite a challenge, working with Key frames etc.  Apparently, Producer had more sophisticated options like that, that would make it easier to use Creator.  Going from PSG to Creator is a huge jump.

But I have discovered Choice Slides, and Jennifer Clark, whose tutorials are very helpful.  She also has responded quickly to my questions, personally.  I think that with her help, I'll finally get my show produced in Creator.  But it's a huge learning curve and challenge.  I still have a lot to learn.

I didn't understand from your notes whether or not you will use Creator or not.  What other options are there?  Many of the Creator options are similar to those in PSG, so there is some familiarity built in, thank goodness.

Barbara Werren


Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 14


I so agree about a user guide!  I have discovered Choice Slides that has been helpful, but still have a lot to learn, and have not completed the show I had finished in ProShow Gold, that crashed right before i could publish it!

LaVerne Curry
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 3


Hi Barbara, thanks for sharing info about Choice Slides. It is very helpful! I have a lot to learn as well. I do appreciate this forum for information, especially since they don't have a user guide.
