keyframe soundtrack
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keyframe soundtrack

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i can t remove or add keyframes on sountrack of the show
Right click not work 
Can you please help me?

Dean Athans
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 271

Vagelis ("Vangelis"?) -

Keyframes are used to control display of images and videos. Sounds used in Soundtracks, Videos and SlideSounds, are not controlled by keyframes, only by volume control points. Note the attached JPEG where sounds for slides 10-12 are displayed for the Soundtrack and Slide Sound, but no Keyframes are indicated. When shown in the Keyframe view, the keyframes are displayed--and used to control display of the images and videos.

To control the sounds, click the "Soundtrack", "Video", or "Slide Sound" heading at the left edge of the tracks, then click on the "Volume Control Points" button at the right edge of the soundtracks, and then add-adjust-delete those control points and/or slide the sound(s) left-right as needed.

     - Dean A.


Joshua reacted
Peter Dawson
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 2

I've been using photopia since it was introduced, and still have impossible problems controlling simple volume controls for both video clips and the soundtrack.  I wish the volume points on a track (like the soundtrack) would have a user-friendly method of creating control points, changing their shape (volume up or down by dragging them) (like Cyberlink PowerDirector has).  It's impossible to quickly insert or delete volume points, and the black points (as opposed to the green ones) aren't editable on the track (at all).  This beyond frustrating.

  I can click them singularly, use cntrl-clisk, spacebar-click, alt-click, and nothing happens.

How do you use them?  I have a screen shot, but cannot upload it.

Thanks for any help.

Robert McMurray
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 320

@peter-dawson Take a look at this from Choice Slides.  


Peter Dawson
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 2

My new problem is downloading styles and transitions from old proshow disks onto a new dell PC.  The disks want to see a version of proshow already installed on the PC before they will run.  What do I do?

  I have all the codes with registrations for these disks.

There is no proshow software on this new PC.
