File Error when Cre...
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File Error when Creator opens Producer show

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Johnnie Nero
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 11
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I am in the process of converting all old Producer show into Creator.  After opening the shows in Producer, verifying all files are there, I then save the Project and Show.  When I try to import the show into Creator  get a file error.

What could be happening and more importantly, how do I get around this BIG problem?


Many thanks in advance.

This topic was modified 4 years ago by PlanoDude

Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 1222

Thank you for making sure this issue was brought to our attention. We've just released an update that should address the problem. Please open Creator and click on the update notification message to get that new build installed. Let us know if the PSH import problem persists at that point.
